Those Manchu elders had no choice but to give up the idea of ​​using newspapers to promote them.

A group of people decided to start from the East Gate of Beiping, and walked slowly along the way.

The team of tens of thousands of people was very long.

The group of them walked towards the Chengtian Gate of the Forbidden City.

Along the way, a large number of people crowded the streets to watch the excitement.

They are all pointing at these Manchu elders.

There are some yellow tapes before, seeing myself being pointed at by others, my eyes are burning, but thinking of what I am doing now, I can only bear it by myself.

These people have already decided that after forcing the Peking government to agree, they must arrest these unscrupulous people.

While they were slowly advancing towards Chengtian Gate, Han Ling in the command hall of the military headquarters was making a final inquiry.

"Are all the troops ready?"

"Master! Everything is ready. As long as you give the order, they will take action immediately!"

Zhang Hanqing stood in front of Han Ling. Neither Zhang Hanqing nor Jiang Baili dared to touch Han Ling's brow when such an important event happened.

"Where are the infantry divisions in the garrisons? Are they ready?"

"They are also ready. In addition, the police stations in all counties and cities are also fully prepared, ready to arrest those Manchurians at any time!"

"Very good! You send them a report and tell them. This operation must not miss anyone. As long as the family members who participated in the operation, regardless of whether they are old, weak, women, children, or children, they will all be arrested!

At the same time, all those old and weak people who cannot move will be dealt with.I don't want anyone to miss out.

Those Manchurians who did not participate in the operation were rigorously investigated immediately after the arrest operation.

If you haven't violated the law and discipline, you can let go of oppressing the children of China.

But if they've done it before, I don't need to tell you how!Let them figure it out. "

Han Ling's face was extremely calm, as if this was not a big deal.

Only Zhang Hanqing and Jiang Baili smiled wryly in their hearts.

It seems that this handsome man is really as rumored outside.

He is an outright nationalist.

It is really cruel to treat these non-clan people.

When Han Ling asked about this, the garrison area and garrison in Beiping had already started to move.

It is not the two infantry divisions in Suiyuan who are currently guarding Beiping.

Instead, there are six infantry divisions, more than [-] people.

After all, it can be said that it is at the feet of the emperor, how could there be fewer troops?

These six infantry divisions did not participate in any combat order. They were under Han Ling's direct command, and they would not listen to anyone's orders except Han Ling's.

And the commanders of these six infantry divisions are all clones, and there are quite a few clones in them.

And their fighting power!

Although it is not a standing division, its combat effectiveness is not necessarily inferior to that of the standing division, and even because Han Ling is paying close attention to the emperor's feet, its combat effectiveness is better than that of the standing division behind it.

As for the security zone.

Beiping's garrison area is also much stronger than other garrison areas.

The Beiping garrison area has five garrison divisions with [-] to [-] people.

Now all these troops are moving.

The old manchus entered the city through the east gate, while they entered the city through the three gates of the west gate, north gate and south gate.

A secret siege began to be launched against those Manchu elders. Once Han Ling's order was issued, they would immediately arrest the tens of thousands of Manchus and the Manchus in the city.

In addition to Beiping, Tianjin Garrison Area, Fengtian Garrison Area, Lushun Garrison Area, etc. have all started to act.

The nearby standing division and security division joined forces and began to operate secretly.

And the signal for their actions was Peiping.

As soon as the arrest operation in Peiping starts, the troops in these places will also start to act immediately.

And in such an operation called "Northern Wind" by later generations, the number of troops involved in the arrest, including the standing division and the guard division, reached millions.

It can be called a large-scale operation.

In such a large-scale operation, Han Ling specially ordered:

The old and the weak who cannot move will not be left behind.

Anyone who resists will be killed without mercy.

Anyone who insults the government will be killed without mercy.

Anyone who insults the Han people will be killed without mercy.

Anyone with hate eyes will be killed without mercy.

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