Yes, Han Ling also added poisonous gas to it.

This is why Jiang Baili and Zhang Hanqing discouraged.

Once a poison gas war breaks out between the two countries, the casualties to civilians will be huge.

"International public opinion? Ha ha! Mr. Zhan Ning, Han Qing! Look at the countries in the world, which one has not targeted us? Which one does not hate us?

If it weren't for our Beiping government's strength, I'm afraid they would have sent troops to attack it!

As for the little devil wanting to use this trick, I'm not afraid at all.They want to drop poison gas on us, without saying whether their planes can fly to our mainland.

Even if their aircraft has such a range, are you sure they can take the air supremacy from us?

Just rely on their Nakajima 91 fighter jets whose flight performance is not stable?Do not make jokes! "

Han Ling sneered disdainfully.

It's not that Han Ling doesn't like the little devil.

But the performance of the Nakajima Type 91 fighter is far worse than that of our own fighters. Even the Type 28 fighter is much better than it.

And now the little devil's Lu Hang is not strong, neither in quantity nor in quality can compare to himself.

In addition, there is also the prophet Radar.

If the air supremacy is taken away by the little devil, then the commander of our air force should kill himself immediately to thank the world!

Chapter 266: New Year's greetings [[-]]

"Well! Now that you have made a decision! Then when do you decide to act?"

Jiang Baili looked at Han Ling and asked.

"Today is the [-]th! I decide to act on the [-]th!"

Han Ling said without thinking, in fact, there is nothing to think about, because this is what he planned long ago!

He had already started planning before the Spring Festival.

On New Year's Eve, I told Jiang Baili and the others that now is the time to implement it!

"Operation on the [-]th? Only three days to prepare? Who are the air forces that carry out the bombing?"

Jiang Baili frowned and asked.If the operation is on the [-]th, that is to say, there are only three days of preparation time on the [-]th, [-]th, and [-]th, and even if the preparations start today, it will only be three and a half days!

"Three days? No! Preparations have already begun. The aerial bombs and aviation fuel have been transported to the peninsula by train two days before the Chinese New Year!

It has been shipped for almost ten days now, which is almost the same.

In addition, the heavy snow will stop tomorrow, and the airship will carry out large-scale delivery of various materials.

So the [-]th is not too late!As for the Air Force in action.

I have decided to transfer four heavy bombing brigades to the Korean peninsula to carry out this mission.

And they will fly to Busan on the [-]th and land at the field airport there! "

Han Ling's words made Jiang Baili and Zhang Hanqing look at each other, and they both understood.

This was a bombing that Han Ling had planned long ago.As for the level of secrecy, even Jiang Baili, the chief of staff, and Zhang Hanqing, the deputy commander, did not know the details.

"Okay! What do you need me, an old man?"

"What to do? Hehe! Mr. Zhan Ning, you have a lot to do! This is another plan, please take a look!"

A mysterious smile appeared on Han Ling's face, and he handed a document to Jiang Baili.

On February [-], [-], seven or eight days after the Spring Festival, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Peking government sent a note to the little devil's government.

Ask them to extradite the Chinese sinner Puyi immediately, otherwise they will bear the consequences.

Faced with such a slap in the face, of course the little devil's government would not agree.

He also angrily denounced the Peking government for claiming to be great.

Then the Beiping government announced to the outside world that because of the lack of cooperation of the little devil's government, the Peking government will take the "New Year's greetings action" from now on, and all losses caused by the action will be borne by the little devil himself.

As for the New Year's greetings operation, this is the code name Han Ling chose for this operation.

The Peking government's unreasonable play of cards immediately put the little devil's top brass on guard.

Generally, for things like this, where there is a note, it is announced that they will retaliate.

This is obviously a premeditated thing, and I still tell the little devil government directly that I will take action against you.

Therefore, the little devil's government immediately began to investigate the internal situation of the Beiping government with all its strength.

It's just that the little devil's government encountered the same problem as the Nanjing government.

That is, the Beiping government is completely a tyrant.

The needle cannot be inserted and the water cannot be splashed.

Under such circumstances, the little devil's government feels more and more uneasy.

And this anxiety, at [-] o'clock in the morning on the [-]th, turned into a catastrophe that caused the little devil's government to collapse.

At [-]:[-] in the morning on February [-], [-], the Pingwon Army Field Airfield in Busan, Korea.

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