Busan Field Airport is not a small field airport, but a super-large airport with [-] runways that can accommodate nearly a thousand aircraft.

At the same time, this is also one of the airship sub-bases.

This airport has been continuously expanding since Han Ling conquered the Korean peninsula.

In Han Ling's mind, once he developed himself.There must be a battle with the little devil, there is no doubt about it.

But Han Ling now believes that it is impossible for the little devil to land on the mainland again, nor can he be an opponent of the Beiping government.

So the next thing is that the Beiping government's navy has been fully developed and landed on the little devil's revenge.

And Han Ling built such a super-large airport in Busan, a very important place, even in the whole world, it is called a super-large airport.

But this time, the four heavy bombing brigades will naturally take off here if they want to carry out such a bombing mission.

And it's not just heavy bombers taking off here this time.

There are still a group of fighter planes to take off here, and they have to escort the heavy bombers.

Three air divisions are already here.

Two of the air divisions were equipped with Type 29 fighters that Han Ling had just issued to the troops.

The equipment replaced by these two air divisions is naturally for the air divisions behind!

Good equipment, of course, should be equipped for elite pilots, old pilots!

Those new pilots, of course, are equipped with old-fashioned fighters.

At [-]:[-] in the morning in Busan on the Korean Peninsula, it was still dark.

It's still cold.

But at this time, the Busan Field Airfield was already brightly lit.

A heavy bomber was pulled out of the hangar, and a car of aviation bombs and aviation fuel was pulled out.

And some pilots are also wearing winter flight suits and standing in some places at the airport chatting.

These heavy bombing brigades were formed only after this.

Not all of these pilots are clone trooper pilots anymore.

There are also human pilots.

They are the second batch of human pilots trained by the Peking government itself.

Walked out of school some time ago, and then entered the service of the heavy bombing brigade.

The heavy bombers are loaded with fuel and bombs, and the fighters are also loaded with bombs and bombs.

The pilots of these fighters are all clone pilots.

After all, they have just been trained, and the pilots who have just graduated from aviation school are all rookie-level.

Let them fight against the little devil's pilots, even if the performance of the plane is a lot better, there will be a lot of casualties. This is what Han Ling does not want to see now.

So let them run in with the fighters first!

At seven o'clock in the morning, with the help of countless ground crews, the first batch of two bombing groups had already loaded the aerial bombs.

Today's bombing plan is in accordance with the plan formulated by the military department.

The first batch of bombings will all be bombed by heavy aerial bombs.

The second batch of heavy bombers will take off [-] minutes after the first batch takes off, followed by take-off.

The third batch of bombing will take off after the second and first batch of bombers return.

The first batch will be loaded with [-] tons of aerial bombs by two heavy bombing brigades and dropped on Nagasaki.

The second batch will be dropped on Nagasaki by a heavy bombing brigade carrying [-] tons of incendiary bombs.

In the third batch, a heavy bombing brigade will carry [-] tons of poison gas and be divided into three squadrons.

Each squadron of [-] bombers carried [-] tons of poison gas and dropped them on three places.

The three places are Sasebo, Kumamoto, and Nagasaki.

Each place has [-] tons of poisonous gas.

into three directions.

This is the general plan for the operation.

After the first batch of bombs was loaded, those ground crews took the time to load the second batch of heavy bombers with bombs.

At the same time, at ten past seven, the first two heavy bombing groups took off and flew to Nagasaki.

At an altitude of [-] meters in the dark night, the roar of engines resounded.

The navigation lights on the plane are constantly flashing.

As time goes by.

At eight o'clock, the sky is already bright.

The first batch of two heavy bombing brigades were about to reach the sky over Nagasaki.

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