"Attention all planes! We will reach the sky above Nagasaki in [-] minutes, please lower the altitude of all planes! At the same time, contact the escort formation and let them provide us with air cover!"

On the air command plane of this operation, a serious voice sounded in the ears of all the pilots.

"Unit 301 received!"

"Unit 302 received!"

"Unit 450 received!"

When all the bombers received the order, two heavy bombing brigades, [-] heavy bombers began to lower their altitude.

Twenty minutes later, they appeared over Nagasaki.

At this point they had already dropped to a height of three thousand meters.

And the little devils below have also discovered these bombers.

It's just lamentable that the little devil's arrogance ruined their last chance to save themselves.

Since the rise of the little devils, they have always believed that no one can invade their homeland.

So those little devils thought the planes that appeared above them were their own planes.

Some people actually said proudly: Look!This is the aviation of the Empire!

Even those army soldiers didn't realize that this was not their plane.

In fact, this is not surprising. Some of the top executives of the little devils have realized the important role of aircraft, and even made an aircraft carrier.

But those people below are still unaware of the role of the plane.

After all, it was the beginning of [-], not [-], or even [-].

There are still several years in between.

The little devil still doesn't know enough about airplanes.

"Our army has arrived over Nagasaki, please drop the bombs immediately! Be sure to drop all the bombs within [-] minutes! After [-] minutes, the second batch of bombing teams will arrive! Please calculate the time!"

After the order was issued from the command plane, the bombers immediately began dropping bombs.

While those little devils were still proud of the empire having such a huge aircraft, aerial bombs were suddenly dropped from above.


"bang bang bang"

When the sharp whistling sound of aerial bombs sounded, they suddenly reacted.

"Assault! Air strike!"

Shouts began to appear in the urban area of ​​Nagasaki.

It's just too late.

You know, what time is it now?A little past eight.

Now is the time to go to work!

The streets are full of people rushing to work.

Such a thing happened suddenly, and there was a mess on the street.

Traffic jams, crowds chaotic, and stampedes start happening.

But none of that matters anymore.

Because the explosion of the aviation bomb has already sounded.

Chapter 267: New Year's greetings [[-]]

"boom boom boom"

Explosions resounded on the ground of Nagasaki.

Aerial bombs were dropped by heavy bombers.

It was the time to go to work in the morning, and the streets were full of people rushing to work.

When the heavy bombers came like this, the whole Nagasaki was in chaos.

The crowd began to be crowded, and in such a crowded situation.

When an aerial bomb comes down, it kills a group of people.

It can be said that this little devil is completely seeking his own death.

Next, bombs continued to fall from the sky.

Countless shrapnel began to fly, and the little devils who were in a mess were also mercilessly taken away by these shrapnel.

Nagasaki, the city of the little devil's navy, Nagasaki's status in the heart of the little devil's navy can be said to be very high.

Naturally, Hainan Airlines is also stationed here, but because of the disharmony between land and sea, there is no Army Aviation stationed here, only Hainan Airlines.

After the bombers started bombing Nagasaki.

HNA stationed in Nagasaki immediately began to take off.

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