Because it was suddenly attacked by an enemy country, the little devil's Hainan Airlines only took off dozens of fighter planes in a short period of time.

Their purpose is to kill these huge guys.

When the flight arrived, the bombs of the heavy bombing brigade had almost dropped.

After all, they only had twenty minutes to drop the bomb.

Twenty minutes later, the second batch of bombers will arrive.

As for the little devil's Hainan Airlines, you want to take off, and you should always load fuel and ammunition, right?

Even if you only load half of each item, or even a small half, it will take time.

So when the little devil took off more than fifty Nakajima 91 aircraft.

The bombs of the two heavy bombing brigades are almost finished.

At this time, Nagasaki suffered nearly [-] aerial bombs.

There were already corpses all over the ground below, and many houses also collapsed under such a big bombardment.

Those little devils who survived were staring blankly at everything around them.

Half an hour ago, it was still a scene of rushing to work.

There are hurrying crowds everywhere.

But half an hour later, it was hell.

A young devil man in a kimono emerges from a hiding place.

At this time, his body was covered with mud, and his face looked very indecent.

But he doesn't care about that anymore.

Half an hour ago, he was still selling breakfast in his shop.

Half an hour later, his breakfast shop was in ruins.

And the customers who had had breakfast in his shop turned into corpses.

Only he escaped by chance.

Looking at the ground, because of the time of work, there are already many people on the street.

The aerial bombs were dropped, and the effect was death in pieces.

Now there are many dead bodies littered in the streets.

In many places you can't even see the ground.

"Baga! Who is this! Why is this!"

The little devil man suddenly knelt down in pain.

He was kneeling in pain, while an air battle was erupting in the sky.

The dozens of Nakajima Type 91 fighters that the little devil showed up just came up to meet them.

Before they could get close to the heavy bombers, a group of fighter planes suddenly appeared from the clouds.

They are the Type 29 fighters hidden in the clouds.

With one dive, five or six of the little devil's planes were knocked out immediately.

These planes directly fell to the ground in a discounted spin.

Then an air battle began.

It's just that the performance of the Type 29 fighter is much higher than them.

The Nakajima Type 91 fighter, which has a speed of less than 29 kilometers per hour, really cannot compete with the Type [-] fighter, which has a speed of [-] to [-] kilometers per hour, and its performance is superior to it.

The little devil's plane kept falling into the void.

The number of little devil fighter planes in the sky is constantly decreasing.

But the two heavy bombing brigades didn't care so much, they returned directly after dropping the bombs.

As for the escort formation in the sky, after leaving some fighters and the little devils for an air battle, the remaining fighters of the escort formation also began to return, preparing to escort the heavy bomber brigade.

After all, their task is to escort the heavy bombing brigade. What if there is no fighter plane to escort them, and they are intercepted by the little devil's plane on the way back?

And just when they had just left, a bomber of a bombing brigade and an escort formation of a regiment appeared in the sky again.

They are the bombers of the second echelon.

After the bombers of the second echelon arrived, they did not take care of the air battle in the airspace ahead.

Instead, they continued to carry out their missions, and the escort formation of the second echelon immediately joined the air battle ahead.

The air battle ahead will soon be over.There was no more little devil's plane in the sky, but at this moment, the plane behind the little devil Hainan Airlines took off to support it again.

However, they were still stopped by the fighter planes of the escort formation.

The heavy bombing brigade ignored them and continued to drop bombs in the airspace ahead.

However, they did not drop the notorious white phosphorus bomb in history.

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