It's an ordinary incendiary bomb.

This incendiary bomb is not as aggressive as the white phosphorus bomb, but it will explode like sparks when it falls on the ground.Then cover a large area.

People are stuck, as long as it is not stuck on a large area, it is just a little burnt skin.

You can't die, unlike white phosphorous bombs, once it sticks, it sticks to your body like a tarsus worm.

But this kind of incendiary bomb seems to be less powerful than the white phosphorous bomb.

But if used in conjunction with the gas bombs of the third echelon, his power will be multiplied.

The gas bomb of the third echelon is not a conventional gas bomb, or it cannot be called a gas bomb in the traditional sense.

This kind of gas bomb is not called a gas bomb, but a biological and chemical weapon.

A large number of incendiary bombs were dropped, and the result was thick smoke billowing from the ground.

Although the little devils seem to have risen now, they still have a large number of wooden houses and other buildings.

There were not many fires in these buildings during the bombing just now.

Even if there are, not many.

But now, the incendiaries are dropped.

The wood was instantly ignited.

Billowing thick smoke began to rise, and then the fire that soared into the sky began to burn.

Nine hundred tons of incendiary bombs, what a terrifying amount!

An hour later, the whole of Nagasaki seemed to be a city of fire.

The raging fire inside can be clearly seen even ten miles away.

"Attention all planes! All return!"

After the command plane gave the order, all the fighter planes began to return.

The escort formations, including the ones that were fighting against the Little Devils Air Force, also began to retreat with alternate cover.

Nagasaki is burning raging fire, where is Han Ling at this time?

He is not in Beiping, not in Tianjin, not in North China, not in China, and not on Earth!

At this time, he was in a research room on the spaceship with Yasiqi.

"Tsk tsk! This kind of biological virus can survive for a week, which is long enough! The key point is that it can spread on its own!"

Han Ling looked at the balls of white objects in a nutrition jar filled with green, and sighed in admiration.

"En! This is a relatively backward virus on our planet. The normal survival time of this virus is between five and eight days, which is not bad for you.

His reproductive ability is very strong.Hundreds of millions of viruses can be split in one day.

And the way he spread it is by himself.

This virus is a very small creature. Although it is only a single cell, it has the ability to move autonomously.

It can jump a distance of about thirty miles in an instant.

And the highest temperature he can withstand is between [-] degrees and [-] degrees.

The lowest temperature is between minus fifteen degrees and minus forty-five degrees.

His vitality is very tenacious, but he also has a fatal flaw, that is, his destructive power is not very great.

After it enters the human body, it mainly destroys the body's reflex system and nerves.

Let people's perception of the outside world gradually decline, and finally become a vegetable.

It's just that this process is very long, counting from the time he entered the human body.

It will take five days to half a month until the human body turns into a vegetative state.

As for the specific time, it depends on the physical fitness of the human body! "

Yasiqi stood beside Han Ling, explaining some information about the virus to Han Ling.

That's right, this virus is the gas bomb that Han Ling dropped this time.

It's just called a gas bomb.

But only Yasiqi and Han Ling knew that, in fact, this was not a gas bomb, but a biological gene virus.

"En! I know all of this. The only thing I want to know now is whether heroin can restrain this biological virus?"

Han Ling narrowed his eyes.

"According to the records on our planet. The nemesis of this virus is psychotropic drugs. The heroin drug you mentioned can also be said to be its nemesis.

As long as you feed it to someone who has this virus, you can kill this biological virus. "

"Do you need a lot of it? If you have this virus all over your body, how much medicine will you need to kill it?"

Han Ling asked suddenly.

"It depends on the physical fitness of the patients! If the physical fitness is good and the body's drug resistance is low, less than one gram, they can all be killed.

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