No country welcomes little devils and doesn't want to be infected with this terrible virus.

This virus is really terrible and highly contagious.

Who wants to touch this virus?

Faced with these situations, the little devil's health department and special research department are hurrying up to study this virus, hoping to find a way to kill it.

Because some little devil doctors who are not afraid of death have personally gone to Fukuoka Island to extract the eggs that have become vegetative bodies.

After various studies and experiments, they found that the traditional virus vaccines are completely useless.

Some even set fire to it!kindness!The effect of the fire is good, but the virus can't withstand the high temperature of more than [-] degrees, and your human body can bear it?

Not to mention two hundred and eighty degrees, one hundred degrees will cook you.

So using temperature to kill is obviously impossible.

As for the medicine, they haven't researched the medicine yet.

Beiping, Forbidden City, Xiyuan, Military Headquarters, Han Ling Office

"Master! Now the little devil has truly become the world's public enemy. No country dares to let the little devil's ship dock. Haha!"

At this moment, Jiang Baili looked at Han Ling sitting there, and couldn't help feeling a burst of emotion in his heart.

Who would have thought that this young man sitting here with a handsome face and harmless livestock would be so vicious.

Was everything that happened to the little devil designed by him?

"Docking? Mr. Zhan Ning, this matter is not so simple! Take a look! According to the latest information I got, the health departments of the little devil are studying how to solve this virus, and their high-level officials are thinking. The virus has infected us in Huaxia!"

Han Ling handed a document to Jiang Baili with a smile on his face.

Looking at the smile on Han Ling's face, Jiang Baili knew that he was not afraid at all that the little devil would infect Huaxia with this virus.

"He should have an antidote for the virus he spread! Otherwise, it would be impossible to be so confident!"

Jiang Baili thought slowly.

He was right. Han Ling did have an antidote to this virus.

This virus is very powerful in this period, even a fortress that is difficult to conquer. Even in the [-]st century, it is an unsolvable virus.

But on Yasiqi's planet, this is just a very low-level virus.

Or it could be said to be a failure of an experiment!

His nemesis is heroin, but his antidote is not heroin.

His antidote is similar to one of the five Chinese poisons, but he also added some other things in it.

"The little devil wants to use the navy in Shanghai, Guangdong, Guangxi and other places, and use the plane to throw the corpses of those vegetative people on our Chinese land?"

Jiang Baili couldn't help feeling a little headache after reading it.

If the little devil's government targets the Beiping government, he won't worry at all.

Jiang Baili was not worried at all that the little devil's navy could approach their coastline.

But if it is in the area south of the Yangtze River, the Nanjing government is not like them, with densely packed artillery groups on the coastline, several super battleships, and a huge fleet.

The navy of the Nanjing government, after Chen Shaobandan led the second fleet to join his own side, their navy became even weaker.

"En! That's right! Now the little devil is broken. He has a hard time, and he wants us to have a hard time!"

Han Ling shrugged.

"No! Do you think the little devil guessed that we did this?"

Jiang Baili suddenly reacted and asked.

"Hehe! Mr. Zhan Ning, it seems that your reaction is good! I think so too. I'm afraid the little devil has already guessed that this biological virus was released by us.

This time they dumped the body in the area south of the Yangtze River, they must be targeting our Beiping government, and then they tried to find out what kind of medicine we used for treatment in the area south of the Yangtze River!This is their real plan.

The intelligence system of our Beiping government is like an iron barrel to all countries in the world, and no one can get in.

However, the Fuxing Society of the Nanjing government is doing well in China, and its capabilities are not bad.

But in the face of foreign forces, it is like a sieve—water leaks everywhere! "

"Then what do we do?"

Jiang Baili looked at Han Ling with burning eyes and asked.

"What should we do? It's very simple! We will send Shen Honglie out.

Five super battleships, thirteen heavy cruisers, thirty-five destroyers, sixty frigates, and fifty gunboats were dispatched, in addition to the air force and other troops heading south.

Intercept the little devil's fleet and their carrier-based aircraft in the area south of the Yangtze River.

Although I really want to destroy the Nanjing government, I am not right with them.

But the Chinese people south of the Yangtze River are innocent.They are still my Chinese sons and daughters.

I, Han Ling, know that I am shameless and vicious, but I am still the leader of China, and I cannot watch my people suffer like this!

This time, even if it's a loss to make money, I will admit it! "

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