Han Ling said in a deep voice.

He never thought of himself as an aboveboard person, and he never thought of himself as a good person.

But as long as he stays in this position for a day, he won't let the people suffer so much.

Chapter 273: One Arrow, Three Eagles

Nanjing, the official residence of the leader

"Commissioned seat! This is a telegram from the Peking government. They say that the little devil wants to infect us with the virus in their own country.

So they asked our Nanjing government to provide Taizhou and Quanzhou, two naval bases, for the Beiping government's naval fleet, so that they could have a place to dock their naval fleet! "

He Yingqin held a telegram in his hand, but the Chairman did not read the telegram.

"What do you think of this virus incident in the little devil's country?"

The chairman didn't agree or disagree, but asked He Yingqin what he thought of the little devil's domestic affairs.

"I feel that this virus was created by the Peking government.

After their big bombing some time ago, the virus broke out in the little devil's country, which is too coincidental! "

He Yingqin has also studied what happened in the little devil's country, so he said it today without thinking.

"En! That's right! I also think it was done by the Beiping government. So now that the Beiping government knows the little devil's plan, it provides them with a naval port of call regardless of the fact that our two sides are still hostile!"

The chairman said while thinking.

"Seat, shall we agree?"

"Yes! I can provide it! I have met Han Ling.

Although he is young, he does things calmly and steadily. From his rise to the present, he is sure of everything he does.

This time he made such a request regardless of the hostile relationship, which shows that this virus is very difficult to deal with, and I am afraid that it will be very difficult for him to handle it.

Although we belong to hostile relations, the Chinese people on both sides of us are innocent.

The common people cannot suffer so much because of hostility.This kind of suffering is a disaster of extermination! "

The chairman and Han Ling really deserved to be two opponents.

In the face of this incident, the two almost said the same thing.

"Yes! I'll prepare right away!"

"Master! The Nanjing government has agreed to our request. They allowed us to dock in Taizhou and Quanzhou, but they refused to provide us with food, water and other logistical supplies!"

Zhang Hanqing handed the telegram to Han Ling.

Han Ling didn't answer.

"This is normal! After all, we are still in a hostile relationship!"

Han Ling didn't care. If the Nanjing government provided it, it would be nonsense.

When Han Ling gave Shen Honglie the order to set sail with the East China Sea Fleet, the little devil fell into despair.

Because their blockade failed.

Shimonoseki, which is separated by a river from Fukuoka Island, has also begun to have the virus, and several people have become vegetative.

It's not clear if anyone else is infected.

Now the entire Fukuoka Island is like the birthplace of a virus.

And it was under such circumstances that one person's statement stirred up waves within the little devil.

A biologist named Aoko Sakai is a native of Fukuoka.

He published a telegram like a little devil, and he has figured out how to restrain this virus.

He also claimed that the drug he developed could easily kill the virus.

As soon as this statement was issued, it immediately shocked all the little devils.

Especially the top management of the little devils, their Ministry of Health and various research departments are doing their best to study this virus, but until now, they have not researched anything.

As for the drug to solve this virus, there is no clue at all.

But now a biologist in Fukuoka has developed a drug that can kill the virus.

But they think it's normal after feeling incredible.

Because he is in Fukuoka, he can get close contact with those infected people, and he can get better specimens.

Unlike the Ministry of Health and research laboratories in the little devil's capital, they can only conduct research through some reported information.

However, just to be on the safe side, the little devil's executives asked him to cure a few people to prove that this drug could really cure the virus.

And this person named Sakai Qinggu didn't care, he immediately rescued several people who had lost their sense of smell and hearing, accompanied by several naval soldiers.

He poured some white powder into a glass of water according to a certain ratio, and let the infected person drink it like this.

After drinking it in the morning, his hearing and sense of smell had recovered to a certain extent in the afternoon.

Although it has not yet fully recovered, this matter was also reported to the senior level of the little devil by the navy.

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