The next morning, those infected people were all healed.

Hirohito and Inuyang Takeshi were overjoyed when this incident was reported to the top brass of the little devil.

He immediately ordered that Sakai Qinggu be brought to the capital by plane.

And asked Sakai Qinggu to be in charge of this matter, and asked him to hand over the antidote formula, so that they could let the pharmaceutical factory produce more antidote.

But at this time, Sakai Qinggu made a small request.

That is to hope that he can open his own factory and sell these antidotes to the government.

Of course, the price is very low, and you can deliver the goods first and pay later.

And Sakai Qinggu also explained why he made such a request.

It turned out that one of his nephews owed huge foreign debts because of drug abuse.

And he has no son, so there is only one seedling left in his family, and he hopes to continue the family inheritance.

The little devil government agreed after a little thought.

And also divided the two pharmaceutical factories owned by the little devil government to Sakai Aogu, and asked him to produce quickly.

In other countries, the government won't give you its own factory, but it's normal for a kid.

Don't forget how they rose, the government supports industry and commerce, this is their old tradition, so this is normal.

After Sakai Qinggu saw that these two pharmaceutical factories were under his own name, he immediately established a pharmaceutical company named Sakura Co., Ltd., and let the pharmaceutical factory produce the antidote.

When producing the antidote, Sakai Qinggu claimed that there were some things that needed to be imported from the United States, because they did not have such things.

I hope that the government will mention it to the United States so that they can dock.

After all, the whole world is now boycotting little devils, so what can you do if you don't go ashore?

Regarding this question, the little devil's government puffed up and said: No problem!Leave it to me!

The United States is very suspicious of the little devil's words, is this resolved?Also researched the antidote?Is this lying to me?

After the report by the intelligence personnel of the United States inside the little devil, they knew that this was true.

In this case, the United States agreed, after all, they came to do business and buy things.

Now that the US economy is struggling and the market is exhausted, those who come to do business again are naturally welcome!

As for what to buy, go buy it!

Then Sakai Qinggu asked several of his people to release a bidding meeting in the United States to bid for various companies.

Finally, a small company named Huamei won the bid.As for the reason!

Because only this company brings what he needs.

What exactly this company brings, no one knows.

Because the little devil's bidding is not public, but in private.

The little devil asked the people who came to participate in the bidding to bring the things that his company produced the most. He needed to make sure if there was what he needed.

As for what it is, the little devil refuses to disclose what it needs in order to keep the formula secret.

Europe and the United States still respect privacy and special protection. ;

Although the little devil's request was a bit nonsense, they still didn't object, and they didn't make a big fuss.

What the Americans and the little devils do not know is that the real identity of this American-registered company, Huamei, is a subsidiary of Qihang Company.

It's just that he is not under the name of Qihang Company.

It can be said that on the surface Huami is a company founded by a few Americans, but in private it is only Qihang Company.

And this time the bidding, on the bright side, is to trade raw materials for some drugs.

In fact, it was a shocking high-purity drug transaction.

A large amount of heroin quietly entered the United States from China, and then was transferred from Huamei Company to the hands of Sakai Qinggu's subordinates, and then transferred to Sakai Qinggu's hands.

Finally, some final productions were completed in the pharmaceutical factory of Sakai Aogu.

In order to prevent the people in the pharmaceutical factory from discovering that this is a drug, Sakai Qinggu specially asked everyone to wear chemical protective clothing and gloves when working. He said that this drug is highly toxic. If the human body is in contact with it for a long time, there will be big problems.

Only those who are infected will have no problem taking it, otherwise deep poisoning may occur.

Those workers knew about Sakai Qingu's rhetoric, and later the top brass of the little devil also knew about it, but there was no doubt about him.

I think what Sakai Qingu said may be true, after all, fight poison with fire!

As for the fact that Sakai Qinggu privately reported to the Beiping government every night, no one knew.

Because Sakai Qinggu was the one who was moved by Jiang Baili's huge benefits.

And why choose him?

Because he really has a drug-addicted nephew, which is why he is tempted in front of huge interests.

Beiping, Forbidden City, Xiyuan, Military Headquarters, Han Ling's Office

"Haha! Commander! I don't think the little devils would have imagined that they are actually giving their people drugs, and let these people take drugs openly. I believe that after this incident, the little devils will have millions more drug addicts." .

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