Our agreed time of action is the twelfth.

If it is advanced, we must be ready, that is, we must be ready before the tenth.

Our time is very tight! "

Li Zongren said with a frown.

"No matter how urgent it is, the preparations must be completed before the tenth. Although you and I have already defected to the Peking government, the Peking government has also delivered a large amount of military supplies for us.

But after all, we haven't submitted a nomination certificate yet.

This time, the great cause of the unification of China, if there is a problem with the great cause of the unification of Beiping because of you and me, it may not be good news for our future! "

Bai Chongxi said in a deep voice.

"Well! Makes sense!"

Time is passing day by day, and Guangdong and Guangxi have also accelerated their preparations.

Dai Li in Nanjing was always concerned about the situation in Guangdong and Guangxi, and he had to obtain conclusive evidence before he could report the matter to the Chairman.

After all, things like Guangdong and Guangxi surrendering to the enemy are no joke.

If he talks nonsense and forces Guangdong and Guangxi to rebel because of him, even if he is a student of the chairman of the committee, he will be kicked out.

On April [-], [-], Dai Li's people in Guangdong and Guangxi finally sent back news that they had conclusive evidence that Guangdong and Guangxi had defected to the enemy.

The evidence is the sudden appearance of a large number of Type 28 rifles in the Gui army.

You know, this kind of rifle is only owned by the Peking government in the world.

Other countries and forces simply do not have such weapons.

Dai Li, who got the news, immediately decided to report the matter to the Chairman overnight.

"Quick! Go to the leader's mansion immediately! I will report this to the principal personally!"

Sitting in the car, Dai Li hurriedly urged the driver to drive faster.

And in the middle of Dai Li's way to the chairman's official residence.

In this matter, there are several scattered people on the roof here.

They wore black night clothes, and the sniper rifles and submachine guns in their hands were also wrapped in black cloth, so that they could be better concealed.

"Come on! Get ready!"

Zhang Chen looked at the convoy in the distance, raised his hand and waved, and said silently in his heart.

Slowly aim the sniper rifle in your hand at the moving convoy.

The eyes also move in front of the scope.

Seeing those flashing lights from the scope, I couldn't help but calculate the distance in my heart.

Dai Li travels in one convoy, one convoy.

It's a mix of cars and trucks.

Everyone knows that Dai Li must be sitting in a car, but no one knows which car Dai Li is sitting in. After all, there are many cars.

And there is a car curtain to cover it inside.

"It seems that the concealment is really good enough. There are actually four cars with the curtains drawn!"

Looking at the four cars, Zhang Chen grinned.

Fortunately, they were well prepared.




Suddenly a few mosquito-like sounds appeared.

However, the black plainclothes members of the Fuxing Society did not hear it.

All they saw were several cars with broken rear windows.

There were screams from inside.

"Not good! Look at the president!"

Seeing the broken car windows and the parked convoy, those people from the Fuxing Society suddenly yelled badly.

They realized that the person hiding in the dark must be aiming at Dai Li.

Otherwise, why did those bullets hit the rear window of the car?

General big people are sitting in the back of the car.

"Someone is going to attack me?"

Hearing the sound coming from the rear window, Dai Li, who was sitting in the front passenger seat, couldn't help frowning and thinking.

Dai Li is indeed cunning.

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