He didn't sit in the back according to common sense.

Whether he sits in the front or the back, or which car to take, is all his temporary decision.

Over the years, he has helped the chairman establish an intelligence system, and since he attacked the chairman's political opponents, he has offended many people.

He also knows that many people want their own lives, so he will be extremely careful every time he travels, so as not to be bought by those enemies to kill him.

Chapter 277: Ready

Zhang Chen looked at those people nervously surrounding the four cars, and then looked at the appearance of those people, Zhang Chen knew it.

Dai Li was never in the back seat of the car window.

Otherwise, instead of being on guard, those people should have lifted Dai Li out with a yell and sent him to the hospital.

"Damn it! The car that Dai Li made!"

Looking at the four cars and three trucks, Zhang Chen really didn't know where Dai Li was.

He seemed to feel that the operation had failed.

"No! That car is wrong!"

Zhang Chen suddenly had a flash of inspiration, and he discovered a problem.

Four cars, three trucks.

Dai Li must be among them.

All the people on the three trucks got off, including the driver and the co-pilot. There is nothing to say.

And a person like Dai Li, even for his own safety, would not ride in a truck.

Then the target is in the four cars.

Zhang Chen found three cars among them. The doors of their co-pilot's seats were all opened. People came down from above, and the people who survived in the back seats carried out the injured or dead plainclothes people.

However, the passenger door of the second car in the middle was never opened.

It has been tightly closed, and there are already plainclothes looking around nervously.

Seeing this, a smile appeared on Zhang Chen's face.

"If you want to blame, you can only blame you for turning on the lights in this situation! Otherwise, I really don't know."

After Zhang Chen muttered something to himself, he aimed at the plainclothes man who was guarding outside the passenger door of the second car.


A faint sound sounded, and the plainclothes fell down immediately.

After Zhang Chen quickly pulled the bolt, he aimed at the passenger window of the second car and fired.


"Ho ho ho"

Dai Li, who was sitting in the co-pilot's seat, suddenly felt a pain in his neck. Immediately afterwards, he felt speechless, and he could only holler.

It seems to be very painful.

And this bullet also shattered the glass on the passenger seat.

"Not good! President!"

The expression of the man driving Dai Li suddenly changed drastically.

He knew that Dai Li was sitting next to him.

Then a pair of black clothes hurriedly opened the car door, and saw Dai Li covering his neck, making hoo hoo sounds.

"Hurry up and send the president to the hospital! Quick!"

Seeing Dai Li like this, a plainclothes immediately shouted.

Then a group of people will carry Dai Li away.

It's just that the night raid special forces ambushing here all found out that this person was Dai Li.

The sniper rifle in his hand fired bullets continuously.

Every bullet takes a life.

In a short time, more than a dozen corpses lay on the ground there.

And the plainclothes who protected Dai Li were almost dead.

Zhang Chen looked at the black figure lying on the ground, and according to his judgment, this was Dai Li.

"Goodbye! President Dai!"

Zhang Chen chuckled lightly.

Then gently pull the trigger with your finger.

A bullet directly shot into Dai Li's brain.

The eyeballs that were still moving suddenly dimmed.

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