At that time, I am afraid that the Beiping government who bombarded Shanghai with giant cannons will be fine, and they will be scolded as street rats.

"Committee, what should we do now? The Beiping government's attack is getting more and more crazy! In Sichuan, the coalition army formed by Liu Xiang and the others can't resist the attack of the Pingyuan army. It's only been a few days since the war started, and they will Lost a lot of power!

In Taizhou and Quanzhou, although their troops were small in number, their offensive was very fierce.

In terms of Guangdong and Guangxi, after the Beiping government provided weapons and equipment, the Gui army's combat power has also begun to rise, and it is now inextricably fighting with our troops.

Wuhan side"

"Report! News from the Wuhan defenders that Wuhan has fallen! The Pingyuan Army successfully crossed the river and occupied Wuhan half an hour ago."

Just when He Yingqin was about to say that the situation in Wuhan was slightly better, an adjutant from the attendant's room hurried in from outside and said loudly.

"What did you say? Wuhan fell?"

He Yingqin turned his head stiffly, looked at him humanely.

"Yes! Yang Qing, the commander of the Wuhan side of the Pingyuan Army, used the tactics of precise bombing and suppression by aircraft and all-out suppression by artillery troops to completely overwhelm the troops before the bombardment area.

Successfully crossed the river at noon today.

Entering the afternoon, after an afternoon of fierce fighting, our army was defeated and began to withdraw from Wuhan, and is now retreating in the direction of Jiujiang! "

On April [-], [-], the Wuhan Front Army led by Yang Qing successfully forcibly crossed the Yangtze River. With the Fourth Mechanical Infantry Division and the Fifth Mechanical Infantry Division as the vanguard, after an afternoon of fierce fighting, the Central Army of the Nanjing Government was defeated and withdrew from Wuhan. .

So far, the Wuhan front army led by Yang Qing has successfully crossed the river in Wuhan, and then began the next step of the combat plan, preparing to march to Nanchang, Jiangxi, where it will join forces with the Taizhou, Quanzhou, and Guangdong and Guangxi front armies.

And when the Wuhan Front Army led by Yang Qing marched towards Nanchang.

The Gui army led by Li Zongren and Bai Chongxi also made a breakthrough in the war.

At the beginning of the great cause of the national unification war.

With the help of Tang Shengzhi, the Gui army led by Li Zongren and Bai Chongxi quickly marched into Guangzhou and arrested the senior members of the National Congress Party inside.

And the first to bear the brunt is Wang Zhaomin, a sinner in history.

After arresting these people, Li Zongren and Bai Chongxi divided the Gui army into two.

There are [-] troops, one person leads [-] troops, and the troops are divided into two groups.

Li Zongren led an army of [-] to march from Shaoguan to Hunan, with the goal directed at Hengyang, Hunan.

On the road, they encountered the [-] central army of the Nanjing government, and the two sides fought in Chenzhou, an important town in southern Hunan.

The Nanjing government that Li Zongren fought with the support of the Beiping government's air force retreated steadily, but because the combat effectiveness of the Gui army was far behind that of the Pingyuan army.

Although there are continuous victories due to the air force, but not many enemies are wiped out, so the central army of the Nanjing government finally stabilized the stitches and began to fight fiercely with the Gui army.

The [-] Guangxi army led by Bai Chongxi went straight from Shaoguan to Ganzhou, an important town in southwestern Jiangxi.

On the road, they encountered the [-] troops of the Nanjing government.

In the beginning, Bai Chongxi had to turn to defense because of too many differences in numbers.

A large-scale battle broke out between the two sides in Dayu County and Xinfeng County, resulting in a stalemate.

And the Shanghai Landing Army.

After using giant artillery to attack, although the Nanjing government had millions of troops, their training was uneven due to poor weapons and equipment.

In addition, two more heavy bombing brigades joined the battle later.

The losses of the Central Army began to increase suddenly, and even their rear was often carpet-bombed by the Pingyuan Army.

Under such circumstances, Zheng Daxing ordered the Mechanical First Infantry Division, the Mechanical Second Infantry Division, and the Mechanical Third Infantry Division. The three infantry divisions advanced side by side, and under the cover of aircraft, giant artillery, and naval guns, they conquered Hongkou in one fell swoop.

After those Hongkou, the three mechanical infantry divisions and the four infantry divisions behind also rushed up for reinforcements.

Then Zheng Daxing ordered the troops to start attacking Hongqiao, Jiangqiao and other places in Shanghai.

Chapter 286: Competing in the World

Amidst the sound of cannons and the roar of aerial bombs, the central army of the Nanjing government retreated steadily.

Even if they have an army of one million, they don't have the slightest advantage in the face of the sharp offensive Pingyuan army.

With the continuation of such fighting, April [-], [-].

The troops commanded by Zheng Daxing fought fiercely with the Central Army of the Nanjing government for more than a week in Shanghai.

Finally defeated the central army of the Nanjing government.

Under the huge casualties, they could no longer withstand the attack of the Pingyuan Army.

One round of the giant cannon shelled down, and nine shells from the giant cannon fell down, and that was thousands of casualties.

Even if the aim is a bit off, or the target is a bit smaller.

A round of artillery shelling can also cause them casualties of one or two thousand people.

In addition, there are naval guns, heavy bombers, dive bombers and other fire support.

In one week, nearly [-] central troops of the Nanjing government died in battle.

More than [-] people were captured.

The remaining nearly half a million troops completely collapsed.

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