Originally in the Central Army of the Nanjing government, after the few elite troops were eaten up, their military spirit has shown signs of instability.

The subsequent casualties were too heavy, and nearly [-] troops died in battle.

How many were injured?

The fighting power of the Pingyuan Army made them feel terrified, especially the giant artillery.

When a giant cannon appears above your head, don't think about running away, because you can't escape.

Even if you escaped the explosion range of the bomb shrapnel, as long as you are within the power range of his explosion, that kind of air wave can sweep you into the sky, or directly shatter your internal organs.

So in this kind of thing, you should use the little time left to think about your family!

After the collapse of the central army of the Nanjing government, Han Ling immediately ordered the already prepared troops to prepare to cross the river in Nantong, join forces with the Shanghai landing front army, accept Zheng Daxing's command, and pursue the enemy.

The support troops sent by Han Ling to Zheng Daxing consisted of nearly [-] troops including five standing infantry divisions and twelve garrison divisions.

Standing infantry divisions, these five are already the maximum number that the Peking government can deploy.

If it is transferred again, the troops from Siberia will be transferred.

Although there are still eight infantry divisions in Chita, those eight infantry divisions cannot move.

Because this time for the national unification war, eighteen infantry divisions have been transferred from Siberia to return home.

Those eight infantry divisions are ready to support the Siberian battlefield at any time.

Pukou, Zhao Tiezhu Headquarters

"Commander! The military department sent a message that the [-] troops supporting the Shanghai Front Army have already begun to cross the river! It is expected that all crossings will be completed tomorrow morning. At that time, the Shanghai Front Army under the command of Zheng Daxing will begin to march towards Jiaxing, Hangzhou and other places.

We can attack, too! "

Qian Dajun walked up to Zhao Tiezhu with a telegram, and said with joy.

"What did you say? We can finally move?"

When Zhao Tiezhu heard the news, he immediately stood up and said without being overjoyed.

Today is April [-]th.

He has been waiting here for ten days.

For the past ten days, the central army of the Nanjing government has been attacking, and he can only defend, feeling almost suffocated.

Now that he heard the news that he could finally attack, Zhao Tiezhu finally felt better.

"Pass my order! Take the Fifth Infantry Division, the Seventh Infantry Division, the Eighth Infantry Division, the Ninth Infantry Division, the thirteenth Infantry Division, the Fourteenth Infantry Division, the Eighteenth Infantry Division, and the Nineteenth Infantry Division as the vanguard, and the rest of the troops as the rear guard. To launch an attack on Nanjing City, we must conquer Nanjing City in the shortest possible time!

In addition, order the heavy artillery units to attack, but tell them to be careful when attacking, so as not to damage the ancient city of Nanjing! "

As the ancient capital of the Six Dynasties, Nanjing has very important historical value.

This point was stated in the document Han Ling sent to them earlier, and Nanjing must not be damaged.Otherwise they will be the sinners of history.

The Pingyuan Army's Nanjing Crossing River Front Army, which had stopped its offensive for ten days, began to attack again at this time.

The sound of rumbling artillery slanted towards the position of the Central Army.

The Central Army soldiers who were attacking were smashed by a sudden shell.

Immediately afterwards, the air force, which had not appeared on a large scale for many days, began to appear again.

They were turned into formations and appeared above the Central Army.

Bombs were poured down by them.

Behind the Pingyuan Army's position, a Pingyuan Army soldier is making final preparations.

They will be the first batch of offensive troops since the Nanjing Crossing River Front Army has been silent for ten days.

It is said that war is the best training ground.

These days, large-scale wars and a large number of deaths have made these soldiers who have not seen blood before have begun to calm down.

They combine what they have learned in the boot camp and apply it in combination with actual combat.

They calmly checked the weapons and ammunition on their bodies.

Time passed slowly, and the heavy artillery and air force continued to bomb.

"All the five infantry divisions are there! Immediately press up and overwhelm the forefront of the front line!"

When the soldiers were ready, the Fifth Infantry Division, the Seventh Infantry Division, and the Eighth Infantry Division, the elite units of the Pingyuan Army that were established the earliest and experienced the most battles, began to move.

In the bombing of the air force and the shelling of artillery units.

They began to attack the Central Army, but the real attack is not yet.

They came to the forefront of the troops, and this is already the forefront where they can overwhelm the front line.

If it was earlier, the Air Force might accidentally injure its own people.

Half an hour after the bombardment again, the heavy artillery units began to take turns to extend the bombardment alternately, stopping the continued bombing of the second line of defense of the Central Army.

The air force's large-scale bombing also stopped.

A new round of bombers taking off from Pukou Field Airfield appeared above their heads.

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