The mission of these bombers is to provide cover for ground forces.

When all the bombing and shelling in this area stopped.

The first three infantry divisions to come up began to charge.

The soldiers of the Pingyuan Army held weapons, pulled the skirmisher line, and began to quickly run towards the second line of defense of the Central Army.

At this time, after the violent bombing and shelling, no one could even be seen on the second line of defense of the Central Army.

The first line of defense of the Yangtze River defense line that the Nanjing government spent huge sums of money to build is better and can still play a role.

But the second line of defense, the third line of defense, is just for fun.

The second line of defense had already been bombed before.

However, during this period of time, the troops transferred from behind the Central Army repaired the position, but it was still too bad.

Under the bombardment of heavy aerial bombs and heavy artillery, the position that took this little time to repair has already been bombed to nothing.

Amid sporadic gunfire, soldiers of the Pingyuan Army rushed to the second defense line of the Nanjing government's Yangtze River defense line.

Although the soldiers of the Pingyuan Army had already prepared for hand-to-hand combat, even bloody battles.

But the imagined hand-to-hand combat did not appear, and the bloody battle was even more impossible.

The remaining soldiers of the Central Army saw the Pingyuan Army coming up, and all of them did the same.

That is to hold the weapon in both hands and raise it high above the head.

Everyone looked at Pingyuan Army with fearful eyes, it seemed that Pingyuan Army was like a scourge.

The Pingyuan Army who arrived first did not have so much time to pay attention to them.

After hurriedly leaving some people to guard them and let them go to the rear, the front troops continued to attack.

And the air force is covering them all the time over their heads.

Along the way, the Central Army was caught off guard by them. They were still shelling just now, but they didn't expect to call now.

The Central Army, which lacks artillery and training, will never understand what infantry coordination is and what aircraft cover is.

Along the way, many central armies had to surrender in the face of the Pingyuan army, and there were not no troops who were stubbornly resisting.

But after all, too little.

This situation did not meet the resolute resistance of the Central Army until the third line of defense.

After encountering resolute resistance, the three infantry divisions stopped their offensive and held here instead.

As for the infantry division of the Pingyuan Army behind them, they began to deal with the Central Army that was left behind.

Before, the Pingyuan Army did not advance across the board, but concentrated its superior forces and chose to assault all the way.

So then the Pingyuan Army began to deal with the troops left behind.

In Nanjing City, the official residence of the leader

"Commissioner, are we still not retreating?"

He Yingqin asked softly while standing beside the Chairman.

"Withdraw? Respect! Tell me, where else can I withdraw now?"

The chairman asked in a deep voice.

The chairman's words left He Yingqin speechless.

yes!Now they almost have nowhere to retreat!The Pingyuan Army's attacking troops from Taizhou have already reached Jiangxi.

Although the troops attacking from Quanzhou have not reached Jiangxi yet, they are coming soon!

And the Guangxi army in Guangdong and Guangxi

Although they are still fighting their own troops for the time being, they have the support of the Beiping government's air force, and their own troops have now begun to show defeat.

As for Sichuan, half of it is now in the hands of the Pingyuan Army.

The territory of their Nanjing government is huge, if the little devils come to attack, it is unlikely that they will be wiped out in three months.

Because the little devil's attack must open a gap from places like Shanghai, and then eat it bite by bite.

But the Peking government is different!

They can directly attack from all directions.

Who would have thought that the Beiping government had been making arrangements from the very beginning?

Troops in several directions directly cut off their own retreat!

Escape to Nanchang?Isn't that a sheep into a tiger's mouth!

This side just escaped, and the other side is about to be attacked again.

As for escaping elsewhere

Ha ha!

Once the chairman of the general committee retreats here, the army of more than one million here will collapse immediately.

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