Where else can you escape then?

Chapter 287 : Who is the real winner?

"Although the state of our army is not very good now, the Pingyuan Army does not have an advantage in strength. Besides, we still have millions of troops! It is too early to say withdrawal.

The Pingyuan Army currently attacking us has only about [-] troops.

Could it be that our [-] million troops around Nanjing can't beat their [-] troops? "

The chairman said as if to cheer himself up.

On April [-], [-], the Shanghai Landing Army finally wiped out the Central Army of the Nanjing Government in Changzhou, Wuxi, Suzhou and other places.

Those caught were captured, those killed were killed, plus those who surrendered.

From Changzhou to Shanghai, there are no more Central Army soldiers.

So far, Zheng Daxing's Shanghai Landing Front Army has truly completed the first phase of combat missions.

Then Zheng Daxing commanded more than [-] troops under his command and began to change direction, marching towards Jiaxing and Huzhou by train.

On May [-], [-], the Shanghai Landing Army of the Pingyuan Army successfully captured the Jiaxing and Huzhou areas and turned to attack Hangzhou.

The Wuhan Front Army, which successfully crossed the river from Wuhan, under the command of Yang Qing, led by three mechanized infantry divisions and covered by the air force, fought all the way to Xianning.

Afterwards, the remnants of the Nanjing government's central army in these places were wiped out, and they began to prepare to go south to Nanchang, Jiangxi, where they were going to join forces with those front army troops in Taizhou.

However, after the Nanjing government's central army retreated to Jiujiang, after receiving the support of the Nanjing government and other local troops assembled by the Nanjing government, the number of troops grew to [-], and then began to meet Yang Qing's Wuhan front army again.

Jiangxi, Wuning County

This is already in the territory of Jiangxi, and Yang Qing's Wuhan Front Army was also intercepted by the [-] troops of the Central Army of the Nanjing Government here.

The name of Zhu Shaoliang who commanded the [-] Nanjing Government Central Army this time.

This Zhu Shaoliang is not simple. He participated in the Wuchang Uprising, participated in the war against Yuan, and screamed in the Northern Expedition.

It can be said that he is a veteran of the Congress Party.

And Zhu Shaoliang can also be said to be rare in the Nanjing government to have the command ability of large-scale corps operations, and more than once.

Originally, he was not the one who defended Wuhan, but because of the fall of Wuhan, the chairman of the committee felt that it was necessary to send a capable general to stabilize the situation, so he sent Zhu Shaoliang, a man in his forties.

And Zhu Shaoliang lived up to expectations, reorganized the army's morale in a short period of time, and then led his troops to block the vanguard of the Pingyuan Army in Wuning County.

"Commander! The person who came to stop us this time is Zhu Shaoliang, a veteran of the National Congress. This person participated in the Wuchang Uprising, the War Against Yuan, the Northern Expedition, the Central Plains War, and the Guangdong-Guangxi War.

His performance in the war is remarkable, and his combat command experience is very rich. He is a formidable enemy! "

In the headquarters of the Wuhan Front Army, Luo Zhuoying stood beside Yang Qing and said softly.

"Well! A strong enemy is a strong enemy, but the combat effectiveness of their troops is not good. Besides, they say that they have [-] troops here, which is quite a lot, but they are all mobs assembled by other troops.

A group of troops that have not even been trained in coordinated operations, how effective do you think they can be in such a war? "

Yang Qing kept the pencil in his hand on the table and said with a calm smile.

"That's what Hua said, but Commander, our task is to reach Nanchang, Jiangxi Province as soon as possible to join forces with other troops.

Now the situation of our army seems to be very good, but it is actually in a dangerous situation.

In the area south of the Yangtze River, half of Sichuan has already fallen into our hands, and it goes without saying that Guangdong and Guangxi have taken refuge in us.

In addition, our troops in Fujian, Zhejiang, and two provinces accounted for only half.

The Nanjing government also owns Nanjing and its surrounding areas, the Anhui region south of the Yangtze River, Jiangxi, most of Hunan, Guizhou, Yunnan and half of Sichuan.

The situation of our army and the central army of the Nanjing government can be said to be intricate and intertwined.

Since the start of the war, although our army has made good progress, the main force of the Nanjing government is still there, and they still have millions of troops.

If they shrink the army, they will mainly let go of the Nanchang and Nanjing areas.

It is not easy for our army to eat them.That's why the military department gave us an order to let our Wuhan Front Army, Taizhou Support Army, Quanzhou Support Army, and Guangdong and Guangxi Front Army meet in Nanchang and encircle nearly three million troops in Nanjing and its surrounding areas. However, the Nanjing government has suffered a disastrous defeat in Shanghai , Losing more than [-] troops.

Now they still have [-] million troops in Nanjing, and more than [-] million troops in Jiangxi, Anhui, and Hunan combined. If they shrink their troops and return to Nanchang, then they still have [-] million troops between Nanchang and Nanjing. More than three million troops.

It is not easy for us to eat these troops! "

Luo Zhuoying said with some sighs that the central army of the Nanjing government is not very effective, but there are quite a few of them.

Let's just say the armies that are already at war!

The Nanjing government has [-] million troops, and the remaining [-] troops in Shanghai.

In addition, there are [-] troops in the two places at war with Guangdong and Guangxi.

There are [-] on the opposite side of them.

That's [-] million troops.

This is still fighting and retreating.

The army of the chairman in places like Nanchang, Jiangxi has not participated in the war yet!

Is there still more than three million troops in these places?

There are more than five million central troops, plus other local miscellaneous troops, and the army under the Nanjing government is estimated to be around seven million.

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