Half of China's country supports seven million troops, and now it can barely support them, but what about weapons and equipment?How about soldiers?

This is no wonder that the Nanjing government's weapons and equipment are not good.

After all, this can be said to be militaristic.

"Huh! There are so many troops, but they are just a bunch of mobs! If our army is to fight the final decisive battle with the Nanjing government this time, I estimate that there will be Nanjing Crossing the River Front Army, Shanghai Landing Army, Taizhou Support Army, Quanzhou Support Army, Guangdong and Guangxi Front Army and our Wuhan Front Army.

For the troops crossing the river in Nanjing, our army has [-] troops, and the Shanghai side has [-] troops.

There are three armies in Taizhou, with about [-] troops.The same is true for Quanzhou.

Our Wuhan Front Army has a total of about [-] troops, while Guangdong and Guangxi have about [-] troops.

A total of about [-] million troops in our army will participate in the final encirclement of the Nanjing government.

The [-] Guangxi troops who went out to the Guangdong and Guangxi Front Army, and our remaining [-] million troops, the combat effectiveness of any infantry division is stronger than the troops of the Nanjing government! "

After Yang Qing snorted coldly, he said the number of troops who were likely to participate in the operation this time.

"Hehe! Commander! Let's not take it lightly!"

When Luo Zhuoying heard Yang Qing's words, she couldn't help smiling wryly in her heart.

Those old men in the Pingyuan Army who followed Han Ling all showed arrogance, and did not take the Central Army of the Nanjing Government in their eyes at all.

"This is my natural way! The lion fights the rabbit with all its strength! Pass down the order and order the heavy artillery division to shell at [-] o'clock this afternoon!

At the same time, contact the Air Force and request Air Force support.

Then order the Mechanical Fourth Infantry Division to prepare for the attack!Lead the regiment committee with a tank assault! "


As soon as she heard Yang Qing give the order, Luo Zhuoying didn't say anything else.

He ran to deliver Yang Qing's order.

At two o'clock in the afternoon, on the artillery position of the [-]th Heavy Artillery Division.

"Target! Enemy position!"

"Ruler—three hundred and one!"

"The direction is to the left zero zero three!"

"Add three to the height!"

"Refill the bomb, delay the activation of the fuze high-explosive bomb!"


"boom boom"

With the sound of cannons, the heavy artillery division of the Pingyuan Army fired.

After the first round of test firing passed, they quickly adjusted various parameters in the second round.

The Air Force in the air is also constantly reporting data, allowing them to modify the data.

After that, they began to bombard the positions of the Central Army continuously.

Heavy artillery shells fell on the positions of the Central Army, and soldiers were thrown away.

Sections of positions were blown up.

At this time in Zhu Shaoliang's headquarters.

He was sitting in a chair quietly listening to the shelling outside, with no expression on his face.

He had fought in Nanjing before, and he was used to this kind of heavy artillery shelling.

And everyone in the headquarters dared not speak.

"How long have they been shelling?"

Zhu Shaoliang asked after a while.

"Half an hour!"

A staff officer said softly.

"Half an hour? If I'm right, they're about to attack!"

Zhu Shaoliang's lifelong experience in the army and his combat in Nanjing some time ago, he also has a general understanding of the bombardment of the Pingyuan Army.

Generally, the troops of the Central Army of the Nanjing Government do not shell for a long time, even only about ten minutes. They are still elite troops with good weapons and equipment.

If other warlord troops, bombard!

It's all about how many shells are fired, not about time.

It's just the shelling of the Pingyuan Army!

Zhu Shaoliang really felt that others were rich and powerful.After fighting for so long, he didn't know how many times he heard the shelling.

None of the shellings lasted less than half an hour, and the shortest shelling was half an hour.

If it was like the battle across the river that the Pingyuan Army had done before, their artillery troops would never stop throughout the day.

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