They reversed direction, the rear team became the front team, the front team changed to the rear team, and killed back again.

The sun is setting, and the setting sun in May is beautiful.

The temperature at this time is actually very good.

There is sun, but it is not hot, and a ray of breeze blows on people's body, which feels very refreshing.

A soldier of the Pingyuan Army pushed the soldiers of the Central Army and walked to the rear.

There are piles of weapons in the distance.

Those are the weapons and equipment of soldiers of the Central Army.

There was no suspense in this small blitzkrieg.

Zhu Shaoliang's [-] troops had just begun to move, but the second line of defense was torn apart.

Zhu Shaoliang had no choice but to order the troops to retreat [-] miles.

Because he has already felt the power of the armored force.

The total time for the two positions to resist Pingyuan's army was less than an hour.

The Pingyuan Army began to attack at [-]:[-].

Break through their first position at [-]:[-], and break through their second defensive position at [-]:[-].

And there is still time for the other party to hurry.

Add it all up, and it's under an hour.

Zhu Shaoliang felt that the armored force was not so simple, and it could not be resisted by organizing a few death squads, so he immediately withdrew the troops.

As for the tens of thousands of people on the first and second positions, they can only stay there.

Otherwise, I am afraid that my loss will be even greater.

Chapter 289: Encirclement and Annihilation War [[-]]

"Hmph! That old fellow Zhu Shaoliang runs fast! Otherwise, I'd have to bite off another piece of his flesh today!"

Yang Qing watched a prisoner walk by, and couldn't help snorting coldly.

Originally he got the information, Zhu Shaoliang sent another [-] troops up.

When he was about to let the three mechanized infantry divisions rushing left and right in the two lines of defense go up and eat up the [-] people, Zhu Shaoliang started to retreat.

In order to prevent the mechanized infantry division from going deep alone and causing big losses, he didn't let them attack again.

"I said Commander, that's not how you swear! Zhu Shaoliang is only five years older than me!"

Luo Zhuoying rolled her eyes helplessly.

His in [-], Zhu Shaoliang in [-].

In fact, they are not very old, and it is the time when they are most energetic in their lives.

It's just that Yang Qing is younger, only in his twenties.

"Brother You Qing, I didn't mention you! Let's go! Let's go back to the headquarters! Zhu Shaoliang retreated twenty miles, this distance is nothing.

After solving the trouble here, let's eat Zhu Shaoliang again! "

At the end of Yang Qing's speech, he snorted again.

Luo Zhuoying was a little helpless, it seemed that this man who was called by the commander-in-chief to look like a mighty general was really like that.

At night, the Pingyuan Army sent a report to the military headquarters after gathering all the prisoners.

Han Ling asked the Hubei garrison area north of the Yangtze River to immediately dispatch two garrison divisions to follow Yang Qing. Their purpose was to accept the continuous generation of prisoners.

At noon the next day, Yang Qing left some troops to take care of the prisoners and waited for the security division to accept the prisoners.

So he took the main force of the army and began to go south.

"Hmph! Zhu Shaoliang wants to rely on Nanchang, I think his plan may come to nothing!"

Yang Qing said with a telegram in his hand.

"Well! That's right! I didn't expect that Sun Chu's Taizhou support army had reached Fuzhou, and Wang Gan's Quanzhou support army had reached Ji'an.

In this way, the [-] troops of the Nanjing government in Nanchang will face the encirclement of the six infantry corps of our Pingyuan Army.

Form an advantage locally.

Moreover, the Quanzhou support army in Wang Gan can also take this opportunity to go south to Ganzhou to support the [-] Guangxi army led by Bai Chongxi.

Although in Ganzhou, our army has [-] troops.

But they are by no means the opponents of the three infantry armies.

These six armies are the starting troops of the commander-in-chief, and each army has the ability to attack alone!Heavy artillery division, tank regiment, tsk tsk!This configuration is not as bad as a mechanized infantry division! "

Luo Zhuoying said at the end not only amazed.

Six infantry corps, each with a heavy artillery division.This configuration is really not that powerful.

"Hehe! I think it is really possible, but I estimate that after Wang Gan's Quanzhou support army goes south, the army in Ganzhou may move to the northwest. In Chenzhou City, there is no need for [-] troops.

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