Together they still have [-] troops.There is still a chance of escape! "

Don't look at Yang Qing's young age, after all, he is also a person who has fought countless battles.

His sensitivity to war is no less than that of Luo Zhuoying.

"Well! We should deal with Zhu Shaoliang as soon as possible, and then go south to Nanchang.

Where there are only [-] troops, our Wuhan Front Army, Taizhou Support Army, Quanzhou Support Army, any front army can eat them! "

Nanjing, the official residence of the leader

"Committee! Zhu Shaoliang was defeated! In Wuning County, he was killed by the Pingyuan Army's Wuhan Front Army over [-] people. Now he has retreated to Jing'an County!

In addition, the Taizhou Front Army of the Pingyuan Army also hit Fuzhou, the Quanzhou Front Army hit Ji'an, and the two front troops of the Pingyuan Army threatened Nanchang.

Our [-] troops in Ganzhou are also in danger of being surrounded. "

He Yingqin stood in front of the chairman, looking at the chairman who had lost a lot of weight during this period, feeling a little helpless.

Since the war between the Nanjing government and the Beiping government.They never received good news.

Today is May [-]th.

It's been almost a month since the war started.

But they also seem to have come to an end.Millions of troops are watching a large number of troops being wiped out every day.

"How's the situation at the front?"

The chairman asked calmly after hearing this.

Although he was calm on the surface, the anxiety in his heart showed that his heart was not as calm as it was on the surface.

"Not very good! In the half month since the Pingyuan Army's Nanjing Crossing River Front Army launched another attack, we have already lost nearly [-] troops.

There was also some panic among our troops.Many soldiers are reluctant to go to the front line to fight with the peace army. "

He Yingqin hesitated for a moment and said.

"This is human nature! If they don't want to go to the front line, they will be given a lot of money! I believe there are still many people who are willing to work hard!"

Now the chairman doesn't care about the finances.

Now that the war is eroding again and again, he needs to block the attack of the Pingyuan Army so that other places can continue to resist.

At the same time, he also hopes that there will be some turning points!


Beiping, Forbidden City, Xiyuan, Military Command Hall

"Master! Take a look! Now our encirclement is about to be formed.

Sun Chu's Taizhou support army reached Fuzhou, and Wang Gan's Quanzhou support army reached Ji'an.

Zheng Daxing's Shanghai Front Army is currently the main force around Hangzhou, and the surrounding Shaoxing has been wiped out.

It can be said that the entire territory of Zhejiang is now in our hands.

As for Yang Qing's Wuhan Front Army, they have now reached Jing'an County in Jiangxi.

He is currently confronting Zhu Shaoliang from the army.According to the telegram sent back by Yang Qing, they will launch a lightning offensive on May [-]th, which is tomorrow morning.Quickly defeat Zhu Shaoliang's troops, and get rid of Zhu Shaoliang within a week as soon as possible.Then go south to Nanchang and join forces with Sun Chu and Wang Gan! "

Jiang Baili stood slightly behind Han Ling, and said to Han Ling who was looking at the huge map.

"Hmm! The ones who are less nervous now are the Guangxi Army in Guangdong and Guangxi. After all, they are not our Pingyuan Army.

The [-] Guangxi army and the [-] troops led by Li Zongren have been fighting for almost a month now.

But neither side fought a decisive battle.Although the army showed signs of decline, it was only showing.

In the past month, the loss of troops in the army has not been large.

The same is true for Bai Chongxi.

Although we also sent the air force to go there, they didn't know how to cooperate with step and fly.

Now the army is still defending Ganzhou, and the fighting between the two sides has become fierce.

It can't go on like this.The war has been going on for almost a month.If it continues for another two months, it is hard to guarantee that Western countries will not make some small moves around the corner.

Let Wang Gan's Quanzhou support army immediately go south to Ganzhou to eliminate the army in Ganzhou.

Besides, tell Yang Qing to let him resolve the battle quickly, I will only give him five days!Within five days, Zhu Shaoliang's mob will be defeated.

Then go south to Nanchang, eat Nanchang's army, join forces with Sun Chu's Taizhou support army, and then go north to Xuancheng in Anhui. "

Han Ling's gaze sank slightly and he ordered.

"Well! Marshal, what about Li Zongren's troops?"

Jiang Baili asked again.

"Don't worry about it! Let the army in Hunan go first! The first problem now is to eliminate the army in Nanjing and its surrounding areas.

Now that our encirclement has been roughly formed, let's eat this army.

As long as this army is eaten, the troops in other places are nothing to worry about! "

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