Moreover, the two garrison divisions from the Anhui garrison area were in charge of guarding the prisoners, which freed up Yang Qing's troops.

Attack Zhu Shaoliang's army with all his strength.

With the increasingly rotten situation in the war, Zhu Shaoliang finally decided to retreat.

He has been unable to save the battle.

The improvised troops under his command were dispersed one by one and surrendered one by one.

Serious desertion occurred in many troops.

He doesn't know how many troops he still controls now.

I don't even know how many troops I have, so how can I fight this battle?

Under such circumstances, Zhu Shaoliang began to think about retreating in the direction of Nanchang with the [-] people he could command.

It's a pity that the sky failed, and Zhu Shaoliang brought the news of the retreat of [-] people to Yang Qing's ears.

He immediately felt that this group of troops was unusual.

And to be able to prevent [-] people from retreating, this is not something that can be done by the sum of several division commanders.

So he immediately felt that this should be Zhu Shaoliang's headquarters.

Immediately ordered the three mechanized infantry divisions to abandon other targets and start chasing this unit, and their commander must be captured.

On May [-], [-], three mechanized infantry divisions caught up with Zhu Shaoliang's [-] men.

Under the collision of the mechanized infantry division and the bombing of the air force, the remaining [-] people in Zhu Shaoliang's hands were also scattered. Zhu Shaoliang was shot in the thigh during the melee, and the three shining stars on his shoulder were telling the soldiers of the Pingyuan Army that this It is a big fish, and it is very likely that it is Zhu Shaoliang, an old guy.

Then he was arrested very decisively, and it was later proved that he was indeed Zhu Shaoliang.

Zhu Shaoliang was arrested, and his army was eaten by Yang Qing one by one in the following time.

As for those deserters who run fast, don't worry!

There is not so much time to rush to deal with it now.

After destroying the effective forces of the Nanjing government, they will solve them one by one.

There are still many advantages to using airships to transport logistics.

For example, you are not afraid of guerrillas attacking your logistics supply line at all. Of course, the premise is that you have to control the air, otherwise your airship will be used as a target for others.

And when Yang Qing killed Zhu Shaoliang and began to go south to Nanchang.

At this time, Wang Gan had led three armies to Ganzhou, and was preparing to fight the [-] people there.

Ganzhou, Xiong Shihui headquarters.

The commander-in-chief of the [-] troops in Ganzhou is Xiong Shihui.

Speaking of this person, many people don't know who he is, and even feel that this is a fabricated character.

In fact, this person actually exists.

During the Great War in the Central Plains, he was the chairman's capable general, holding the chairman's elite troops in his hands, and he could also be said to be a confidant.

And now he is still the chairman of Jiangxi Province and the chief of staff of the Nanchang camp.

At the same time, he is also one of the representatives of the Department of New Politics within the Nanjing government.

These are not important, what is important is that the backer behind him is the chairman's son.

Backed by the big tree of the chairman's son, it can be said that he is a veritable princeling.

As for Xiong Shihui, although he was not well-known in history, he was an all-rounder in both civil and military affairs.

And he is also a senior figure in the Congress Party.

First followed Sun Dapao, and then was sent to study abroad. After returning to China, he began to be reused by the chairman.

"Sir! The reinforcements from the Pingyuan Army from the north have already stationed outside Yudu County, and are now confronting our army!"

A staff officer handed over a telegram to Xiong Shihui, who was wearing a military uniform.

Xiong Shihui usually doesn't wear military uniforms, but this time, because of the war.

He has been wearing the military uniform for a month straight.

"[-] people! Our battle is hard to fight!"

Looking at some basic information above, Xiong Shihui couldn't help feeling helpless.

Regarding the combat effectiveness of the Pingyuan Army, Xiong Shihui had read some of it in telegrams and newspapers.

As for the specific combat power, he really doesn't know.

However, he also understands that when he is flanked by front and back and the number of double opponents is about the same, his side is in a dangerous situation.

"Sir! I think we should move closer to Chenzhou City! It is said that the Pingyuan Army's combat effectiveness is strong, and now we are being attacked by two sides. The situation is not good!"

A major general in his thirties came over and said.

"Closer to Chenzhou City? No! Let's fight a battle first.

And even if you want to move closer to Chenzhou, you can't just leave Ganzhou and run away.

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