If we leave here without doing anything, they're afraid they'll come over right away. "

Xiong Shihui did not agree with the words of the chief of his combat department.

This person's name is Zhang Zhijiang, and he is the chief of Xiong Shihui's combat department, responsible for drawing up combat plans and so on.

"Fight a battle? With the Pingyuan Army who came to support?"

Zhang Zhijiang frowned.

"Well! That's right! It's with them. This battle hasn't been fought yet, so how can we talk about running away? Let's fight first. No matter how strong their fighting power is, they are only [-] people.

In addition, these people have been running around fighting during this period of time, and their combat effectiveness must have dropped a lot! "

Xiong Shihui also has his own considerations.

He has his own pride, and he is not willing to do such a thing of retreating without fighting.

It's just that what Xiong Shihui didn't know was that the battle he was going to fight was the failure of his life.

Wang Gan Command

As an old man who followed Han Ling, Wang Qian had great prestige in the Pingyuan Army, although he only had three armies with [-] soldiers in his hands.

But the combat effectiveness of these [-] people is not comparable to other standing divisions.

Of course, except for units like the Fourth and Fifth Infantry Divisions.

Because they also belong to the elite of the Pingyuan Army, according to the information he got.

The next step is for Han Ling to truly carry out a nationwide semi-mechanized refitting.

The army-level unit will be revoked and upgraded to a group army.The local garrison adopts brigade-level organization.

"Report! The news from the three heavy artillery divisions has already set up artillery positions. They can launch an attack at any time!"

A staff officer came in and said.

"Already set up the artillery positions? All right! Let all the troops rest for a day!

The day after tomorrow, the fourteenth of May, the attack was launched.Our troops have been fighting continuously for almost a month, and the soldiers are very tired, let's recover!

In addition, send a report to Bai Chongxi and the others, and let them cooperate with us in fighting! "

Wang Gan thought for a while and said.

During this period of continuous fighting, the soldiers were indeed very tired.

Wang Gan decided to send some soldiers outside the realm, and let the other troops rest for a day!

As for the [-] troops in Xiong Shihui's hands, Wang Gan wasn't afraid.

He had never been afraid of facing the [-] troops of the army before.

Although there are [-] here, don't forget that Bai Chongxi is still on the other side with an army of [-].

Ganzhou, Xinfeng County, Bai Chongxi Headquarters

"Ji Kuan! Good news! Lieutenant General Wang Qian of the Pingyuan Army led the [-] elite Pingyuan Army to Yudu County. He decided to launch an attack on Xiong Shihui in Ganzhou on the [-]th! We ask for our active cooperation!"

Everyone knows that Li Zongren and Bai Chongxi of the Guangxi family are two intimate giants.

But he didn't know that the Guangxi family was actually not the two giants, but the three giants.

They are Li Zongren, Bai Chongxi and Huang Shaohu.

The Ji Kuan mentioned by Bai Chongxi just now refers to Huang Shaogong, whose name is Ji Kuan.

However, Huang Shaogong has always used his fists in politics.

He doesn't take much care of the army, Li Zongren and Bai Chongxi are in charge of the army.

When Li Zongren and Bai Chongxi defected to Jiang Baili before, Huang Shaogong also knew that he did not object to defecting to the Beiping government.

Because Huang Shaohu graduated from the third infantry department of Baoding Military Academy.

Sorry, but also one of Jiang Baili's favorite students.

To be honest, controlling multiple battlefields is exhausting!

Even though I had prepared a detailed outline before, my heart was still extremely tired.

After writing World Wars, if I still write like this, I guess I will be exhausted.But this time, it's an experience and practice!

Afterwards, I could write better about World Wars.

Not to mention, I will sort out my thoughts again.Written head foggy!

Chapter 291: Encirclement and Annihilation War [[-]]

"Already here? Come so soon?"

Huang Shaogong asked in astonishment. They had received a telegram from the Beiping military headquarters before, saying that the Quanzhou support army would go south to support them.

They thought it would take two days to travel half of Jiangxi, but who knew that it was all here, and even the attack plan was ready.

"That's right! It is said that Wang Gan was the first general in Pingyuan's army to follow the commander in chief.

Although young, he is a young and promising general who has experienced countless battles.

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