The number of troops that shrank into Nanjing from Xuancheng, Wuhu, Anqing and other places was about [-].

They recruited about [-] new recruits by catching strong men and paying a lot of money.

However, these recruits are currently short of guns and ammunition, and have no combat effectiveness. They can only become our captives.

In addition, the troops that shrank into Nanjing from Xuancheng, Anqing and other places did not have high combat effectiveness.We can ignore it.

I think what we really have to consider is the [-] troops.

These [-] troops are troops that have let go of Nanjing since we started the war.

At the beginning, a total of about [-] million troops were released in Nanjing and outside Nanjing.

In the past two months, we have eaten up their army of about [-].Now the remaining [-] can be said to be their last essence! "

Chapter 295: The Final Battle of the Encirclement and Annihilation War [[-]]

After hearing this, Han Ling fell into deep thought and didn't speak.

Jiang Baili, Zhang Hanqing, and Huang Kelin didn't speak any more at this time, they all looked at Han Ling quietly.

They all knew that only Han Ling could decide on this matter.

"Now that we have reached this point! We have nothing to say with the Nanjing government. It's time for the final decisive battle!"

After a while, Han Ling raised his head, and his eyes slowly swept across the group of people waiting below.

Immediately afterwards, he continued: "Now I order the immediate reorganization of the Southwest Front Army.

The remaining [-] troops in Li Zongren's hands and the original Southwest Front Army in Xue Yue's hands formed the new Southwest Front Army.

Xue Yue served as the commander, and Li Zongren served as the deputy commander.Their mission is to eliminate the remnants of the army in Yunnan, Guizhou and other places.

In addition, I told Xue Yue that Liu Xiang and the others who had retreated to Chongqing should not be ignored.Let the East China Front Army solve the Hunan problem, and then go to solve Chongqing.

There is no need to launch the battle of crossing the river again, causing many unnecessary deaths and injuries!

An ultimatum was also issued to the Nanking government to surrender by June [-]th.

Furthermore, during the ultimatum to the Nanking government, various forces immediately encircled the Nanking army. "

Han Ling never thought of solving this problem at the negotiating table. If these problems can be solved at the negotiating table, why do we need the army?

As the saying goes, it is time to raise soldiers and use them for a thousand days, and now is the time to use them.

Nanjing, the official residence of the leader

The two months of fighting have left the Chairman a lot haggard.

In the past two months, he has not heard a few good news.

Cities were lost one by one, and lands were lost one by one.

The Pingyuan Army is invincible across the entire central and southeastern regions.

One's own army of [-] may not be able to defeat others' more than [-].

These news made the chairman a lot thinner.

The only thing that made him feel gratified was the war in Nanjing.

The Nanking War has been going on for two months and now four-fifths are still in the hands of the Generalissimo.

It was the only thing that comforted him.

At the same time, the chairman also knew that the reason for the fight was not because his army's combat effectiveness had become stronger, nor was it that the Pingyuan Army's combat effectiveness had become weaker.

Rather, the Pingyuan Army had some scruples, and what they were scruples about was Nanjing City, the ancient capital of the Six Dynasties.

But the chairman also knows that he must persevere.

Now the only chance for the Congress Party is the southwest region.

People like Long Yun and He Jian are the only chance for the Congress Party to continue to exist.

I am here to hold back the main force of the Pingyuan Army's million-strong army. They are recruiting troops in the southwest region, and there may be a certain chance of making a comeback.

As for money, people from the four major families have already begun to contribute money and efforts.The Pingyuan Army has ruled these areas of Shanghai for too short a time, and they haven't had time to sort out the four major families.

"Commissioner, the Peking government has sent a telegram asking us to surrender before June [-], otherwise they will launch a final attack!"

He Yingqin handed a telegram to the chairman of the committee.In the past two months, not only the Chairman lost weight due to the war, but He Yingqin did the same.

"June [-]th? Hmph! The Peking government made such a big statement!"

The chairman put the telegram on the table and snorted coldly.

"Everyone! At this moment of life and death for the party and the country, we should work together to fight against the enemy! I can tell you a piece of good news.

Britain and France have decided to intervene and mediate the matter on behalf of the League of Nations.The most important thing is that they have already shipped a large number of weapons to Yunnan!

They will dock in Yangon, Myanmar, and then pass through Myanmar to transport various military supplies to Yunnan!Assist the party-state in reorganizing its armaments and fight against the Beiping government again.

As long as we persevere, we can make a comeback! "

The chairman of the committee sang one after another, as if to cheer up those below, but in fact he was telling them.Don't rush to stand in line.

It is not yet known who will be born and who will bear the blame.They still have a glimmer of hope of victory.

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