It's just that the people below are harboring ulterior motives, and they're all thinking about something.

In Nanjing City, Night Dream Ballroom.

Wang Lin's Yemeng Ballroom is located in the Qinhuai District of Nanjing.

Although due to the war, Qinhuai District is no longer as prosperous as it used to be, but at night, there are many people who come out here to start nightlife.

But as the war lasted, Qinhuai District became more lively than ever.


Because as the war lasted, many soldiers would choose to come to Qinhuai District to find some cheaper places to play in order to relax the pressure in their hearts.

Soldiers are coming, so there are naturally many officers.

Some low-ranking officers sneaked out of the camp in twos and threes at night to play here.

And among them, especially the officers within the [-] recruits, they ran even harder.

They all know that it is impossible for these troops to go to the battlefield now, that is, to train during the day.

So one by one, they came here without the slightest pressure.

And under such circumstances, every night there would be some wearing black robes and sunglasses at night, sneaking into the Night Dream Ballroom in Qinhuai District.

At this time, a man wearing a black robe and sunglasses, looking cautious and sneaky, walked into the Night Dream Ballroom.

When he came to the bar, he looked at the young bartender and said, "Brother! Bring me a glass of beer! I want a big glass!"

The man's voice was a little hoarse, as if it was deliberately so.

The bartender at the bar heard the man's words, slightly raised his head and glanced at him, and said, "Sir, I'm so sorry, we don't have extra-large glasses here! And the beer is also sold out!"

"Oh? Sold out? How can there be any wine?"

The man asked softly after hearing this.

"I don't know about that, how about I find our boss to come out?"

As the bartender spoke, he looked around, as if looking casually with his eyes.

"Forget it! Take me in! I know your boss!"

"Okay! So, come with me!"

After the bartender finished speaking, he glanced around again and casually led the man in.

In a quiet room in Night Dream Ballroom

"Boss Wang! According to the information I have received, the chairman has decided to continue resisting!"

The man sat facing Wang Lin at this moment.

He had taken off his sunglasses, revealing a face in his forties.

Those narrow eyes are all on the surface, this person is a treacherous person.

"Oh? Zhang Mingjiang, that's not what I want to know!"

Boss Wang smiled lightly.

That's right, this person is Zhang Mingjiang.

A director of the logistics department of the Nanjing government.

"I don't know exactly how much logistics supplies they have left.

Because this matter is very confidential.Before the start of the war and in the early stage of the war, the chairman had a premonition that the subsequent war might not be too good.

So it has already started to stockpile weapons and ammunition in Nanjing City.

But judging from the ammunition shipped out during this period.

They should also be low on ammo.

The weapon should be gone.

Otherwise, the [-] recruits would not have many weapons to use! "

Zhang Mingjiang thought for a while and said.

"Hmm! How are the contacts with those people who asked you to contact?"

Wang Lin took a sip of the tea ceremony.

"There have been responses! Some time ago they were hesitating, as if they didn't hear it. They have begun to respond in the past two days.

Said that they are willing to take refuge in the Beiping government! "

"Hehe! Some time ago, the battle was not completely clear.

Now the Nanjing government is completely surrounded by us in the Nanjing area.

Even if they want to escape, they can't get out, so they naturally know how to choose! "

Wang Lin said with a smile, a look of disdain flashed in his eyes.

These people are greedy for life and afraid of death. They don't do much practical work all day long, but they are good at making money.

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