In addition, no aircraft are allowed to pass through the airspace.Now the properties of the four major families, except for the real estate, have all been moved to Nanjing.

They probably want to dedicate these properties to me! "

Han Ling said with a sneer and said, "They're pretty smart. Otherwise, if I take Nanjing down completely, it will be difficult for them to survive!"

The chairman's guess was correct. Han Ling had indeed set his sights on the properties of the four major families early in the morning.

Han Ling never thought about letting go of this batch of property.

If Han Ling let go of such a fortune, he would be an idiot!

"Mr. Zhan Ning, send a telegram to Zhao Tiezhu asking him to accept the property and send it all back to Beiping.

Let him be stricter, anyone who dares to stretch out his claws will be cut off by me!

In addition, our military department also sent people to auction off the real estate of the four major families.

All auction money will be invested in education! "


July [-], [-]

The Nanjing government formally issued a nationwide telegram to surrender to the Peking government.

All the troops laid down their weapons and were not allowed to resist any more, waiting for the acceptance of the Pingyuan Army.

Afterwards, only a group of Sichuan warlords in Chongqing also issued a telegram, claiming that they would go to the field and accept the acceptance of the Beiping government.

Afterwards, He Jian, who was still huddled in some mountainous areas and small towns in various places south of the Yangtze River, also announced that they would electrify and go to the wild.

Only Long Yun in Yunnan did not announce the electrification.

For Long Yun in Yunnan, after Han Ling instructed Xue Yue and Li Zongren to deal with them, he began to accept everything from the Nanjing government, of course, including the great gift from the chairman.

While Han Ling was accepting everything from the Nanjing government, Long Yun in Yunnan was preparing to resist the attack of the Pingyuan Army.

Because with the support of Britain and France, Long Yun can now be said to be militaristic.

He expanded his army to [-] and prepared to resist the attack of the Pingyuan Army. He believed that Yunnan was mountainous and easy to defend but difficult to attack. It was still possible to become a local overlord by relying on his own army to hold on to one side.But will Han Ling allow it?

Of course Han Ling would not allow it.

On July [-]rd, the day after Liu Xiang in Chongqing and the Nanjing government announced their surrender by telegram.

A bombing brigade of the Pingyuan Army suddenly descended on Kunming.

According to the coordinates provided by the seventh place, the dive bombers bombed Long Yun's headquarters and mansion.

But because the kid was lucky enough to escape the catastrophe, he survived.

But then, the Southwest Front Army commanded by Li Zongren and Xue Yue separated the original Gui army, and more than [-] Gui troops marched into Yunnan under the cover of aircraft.

Because Yunnan is mountainous.

Most of the Pingyuan Army led by Xue Yue were from North China.

Facing this kind of mountain warfare, I am not very familiar with it. In order not to cause unnecessary casualties, I did not transfer them here.

Although the Pingyuan Army is not familiar with mountain warfare, the Gui Army is familiar with it!

Don't forget, Yunnan dodges, and these places in Guangxi are not mountainous terrain?

These men who grew up in the mountains are not only familiar with the mountain terrain, but also familiar with the weather and climate here, and there will be no non-combat attrition.

When the whole country was shocked by the unification of the world by the Pingyuan Army, Xue Yue and Li Zongren formally led the troops into Yunnan on July [-]th and began to fight Long Yun.

To be honest, Long Yun's Dian army was not very effective in the first place.

Although they have weapons and equipment with the support of Britain and France, how good weapons and equipment can Britain and France give them?

To put it bluntly, Yingfa came here to earn some extra money, earn some money for arms, and incidentally create some troubles for Han Ling.

In addition, Long Yun's army expansion was too fast, resulting in a large number of recruits.

Although there are [-] troops, Long Yun's previous troops are only about [-] or [-].

Expanding the army by two or three times, the combat effectiveness is seriously reduced.

And Gui Jun!

The combat effectiveness is not as good as that of the Pingyuan Army, but the battle during this period of time has still improved the combat effectiveness of the Gui Army a lot.

In addition, their logistical supplies were provided by the Beiping government, which immediately changed from a shortage of guns and ammunition to a situation of no shortage of ammunition and logistical supplies.

After nearly a month of fighting, more than [-] troops led by Li Zongren and Xue Yue finally defeated Long Yun's troops.

However, Li Zongren and the others themselves also suffered heavy casualties of nearly [-].

On July [-], [-], Xue Yue and Li Zongren sent power to the Beiping government at the same time, and the Yunnan army was wiped out, and Long Yun was captured alive!

As soon as this news came out, the Beiping government and its surroundings suddenly fell into a sea of ​​joy.

The entire Beiping government began to boil.

Now, except for Tibetan areas and Xinjiang, the Beiping government can be said to have unified the whole country.

At this time, the chairman and the main figures of the four major families were already staying in Beiping.

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