However, Han Ling didn't summon them other than offering food and drink to them. The reason was very simple, Long Yun hadn't been caught yet.

But now it's finally caught.

The former Guizhou, Hunan and other places were captured under the attack of Bai Chongxi and Wang Gan before the surrender of the Nanjing government.

"Master! We are unified now!"

This time Jiang Bai looked at Han Lingdao with joy inside.

"Yes! Unified! But all this has just begun. Now let's discuss the reorganization of the national army and a series of other issues!"

In Han Ling's office, Han Ling said with a smile on his face.

Chapter 299: Army Reorganization [Part [-]]

"Commander! Now the whole country has been unified except for the Tibetan areas and Huijiang. Do we need to expand the army? The one hundred standing divisions before are no more than enough now.

On the Korean peninsula, it is definitely necessary to station a standing division to prevent little devils.

In addition, a lot of troops need to be stationed in the vast Siberia.In our country, the south has only just been unified, and all forces have not yet been sorted out.

In our unification war, in order to deal with the vital forces of the former Nanjing government in the shortest possible time, many broken soldiers who fled to the mountains as bandits were not cleared.

There are also armed forces such as security regiments in various parts of the south.Under the slogan of protecting the environment and the people, they used this kind of armed force to run amok in the countryside.

And this kind of armed force does not have a unified organization, nor any restrictions, they are completely private armed forces.

In addition to these, we now have more than three million captives of various kinds in our hands.They all surrendered from various battlefields.

These prisoners are uneven, and many prisoners are only sixteen or seventeen years old. "

Jiang Baili was still sighing while talking.

Now that the country is unified, it sounds like a good thing, but there are too many things involved.

These are just a few of the big problems with the current military.

In addition to these most urgent issues, there is also the issue of the establishment and expansion of the army. Anyway, there are a lot of them, enough for Han Ling and the others to be busy.

"Don't worry about the issue of military expansion! North Korea and other places have established a security zone long ago, with security divisions blocking it, and there are giant artillery groups, so there is no problem for the time being.

The key thing to solve now is the problem of the rout of troops in the south.

Now our troops are not many, and we can only occupy some important cities and places.The original army had a lot of routs.

According to statistics from the Ministry of Military Affairs, the previous army of the Nanjing government plus the miscellaneous troops from various places have a total of [-] million troops, which is almost [-] million troops.

Of these, [-] million surrendered to us, or were captured.

About three million troops were wiped out by us.

In other words, there are still half a million broken soldiers scattered in the south.

They got entangled with some bandits in the past, and with their weapons and a little military knowledge ran amok in the countryside and occupied some land.

This is the aftermath of our unification war.This is an important issue that we have to solve first.

For this question, I thought about it.

I decided to immediately establish garrison areas in the southern provinces and cities and pull up the garrison divisions.Then extinguish this sequelae brought about by the unification war as soon as possible.

As for these personnel, I decided to conduct ideological education and simple re-training for those captives.

Then transfer some people from the garrison area north of the Yangtze River to mix with them, and then go to the south to establish a garrison area.

And as for the number of people!

I think it needs [-] million in the initial stage.One million people were drawn from the captives to establish garrison areas in the southern provinces, and a garrison division was formed to put out this banditry.

In addition, with regard to the issue of private troops such as security groups in various places that Mr. Zhan Ning said, after the garrison area is established, all security groups are ordered to disband, and all their weapons, guns and ammunition are handed over.

By the way, about the possession of civilian weapons.

The people in the south look up to the people in the north.

Weapons such as rifles, light and heavy machine guns, mortars, and grenades must never be owned.

They can only have weapons like pistols and other shotguns.

In addition, all their pistols must be turned in, and the military department will issue registered pistols uniformly.

Each pistol must have no more than [-] bullets, and each shotgun must have no more than [-] bullets.

In addition, there are many hunters in our folk, and they rely on the shotguns in their hands for food.

We will not confiscate their shotguns, but we need to do detailed registration and register their firearms.

If their firearms are damaged during use, they need to report to the office under the security area"

Han Ling, Jiang Baili and Zhang Hanqing spent an entire afternoon discussing in the office.

Among them, the three had different differences on the issue of whether ordinary people can own guns.

Zhang Hanqing believes that people cannot own guns, otherwise it will cause great harm to society.

Jiang Baili, on the other hand, believed that some special characters could be given the ability to own guns.

But Han Ling believed that ordinary people could own guns.

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