Carl still spoke in an arrogant tone.

It's just that Han Ling was angry in his heart.

"Spicy next door! Ten million interest, why don't you grab it? And this is something that happened in Nanjing before, and it's still on my head!"

"Mr. Carl! I don't remember that we have borrowed a penny from you! In addition, can your country still lend you three thousand? Presumably your people need this money to survive!"

Han Ling looked up at Carl with a mocking tone.

"Mr. Han, is this the attitude of your country? Don't you pay back the loan?"

Carl's expression sank.

"Hmph! We didn't borrow it, why should we pay it back? Whoever borrowed it, you can go to whom!"

Han Ling snorted coldly.

"I heard that the leaders of Nanjing are here with you, shouldn't you pay it back for them?"

"Carl, did you eat too much shit? Or did you pick up the placenta and raise it when Nima gave birth to you? You said we borrowed your money, do you have an IOU? If you don't have an IOU, get out! Pull out their respective armies and fight in an upright manner!"

Han Ling was too lazy to talk nonsense with this guy.

Since the rise of the Pingyuan Army, he has been at odds with this country.

They seem to still feel that they are the boss of the world, and they want to get involved everywhere.

After sabotaging his plan many times, Han Ling was already angry.

As for the compromise!

Han Ling really wasn't interested in talking to them about this issue.

In this world where strength is paramount, as long as you have strength, who else do you need to be afraid of?

If you don't accept it, you will fight!

As for the face issue, you have strength, who would dare not give you face?

In Han Ling's eyes, the Ying countryman is now a powerless thing!

Now in the entire area south of the Yangtze River, Han Ling is also starting to install the giant artillery base, come if you have the ability, don't go on and on about it!

Hit if you can.When you are convinced, you will know whether what I said counts.


Carl was so angry that he couldn't say a word. He had been to many countries, and which country was not flattering to him.

And which country dares to call out war so openly, and even threatens them with war.

This is something that has never happened before!

In the end, Karl shook his sleeves and left angrily.

"Master! Are we going to go to war with Ying?"

Jiang Baili frowned.

"War with the Ying Kingdom? Hehe! Do they dare?"

Han Ling sneered.

The Ying Kingdom, which had been frightened to the ground by the First World War, was nothing but superficial!

Do you still want to scare people with the name of the empire on which the sun never sets?

Scaring those countries and people in Southeast Asia, Africa, and the Middle East is almost the same.

Still want to play tricks in the East?Han Ling saw that they had come to the wrong place.

Even the little devil who claims to be the number one navy in Asia doesn't dare to approach the coastline of China, and the British countryman who is thousands of miles away is nothing!

If you really fight, then fight!

Let's see who can afford it financially.

Once a war starts, the consumption of weapons, ammunition, and fuel can be completely supplied by the base, even the logistics supplies are the same.

As long as I have someone, I can fight with you for ten years.

The key is the current British country, can you still support the ten-year war?

Now is the time when the world's economic crisis is at its worst. The current British finances, let alone ten years, can last for three years, even if you are good!

As powerful as the Americans, they are now devastated by the economic crisis and have no time to take care of Eastern affairs.

"What I'm afraid of is that they will use other methods to deal with us. After all, Ying is still very powerful. Although their strength has declined a lot after World War I, they are still an empire on which the sun never sets.

Own colonies all over the world!Once they mobilize other resources to deal with us, it will be a trouble! "

Jiang Baili looked at Han Lingdao with a straight face.

"Hmph! Soldiers come to block you, water comes to cover you! What are you afraid of!"

Han Ling snorted coldly, the more submissive you are to these European and American powers, the more they will look down on you.

Instead of doing this, it is better to fight a game, directly hurt them, and they will not dare to come.

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