"By the way! How is the formation of the Marine Corps going?"

Han Ling asked as if thinking of something.

"You just asked! You left this matter to me and Han Qing three months ago and left it alone. You only asked now, I thought you forgot about this unit!"

Jiang Baili said angrily.

The marine corps was the marine corps that Han Ling formed in advance in consideration of the possibility of launching a campaign after the unification of the whole country.

It was also at that time that the Marine Corps began to be established in Weihai with the assistance of the military department.

"Hey! I'm busy! You know that during this period of time, all kinds of things are coming one after another, and I really don't have that much time to manage!"

Han Ling chuckled, then said helplessly.

"The Marine Corps has been recruited long ago, and now Shen Honglie is training them. But let me ask you, Marine Corps, this kind of course from sea to land is a cutting-edge course in the world, you Which branch of the military are you going to plan them into? Navy or Army?"

Jiang Baili looked at Han Ling and said seriously.

"Neither! Directly commanded by the military department! Their usual training will be coordinated by the navy.

When a landing battle occurs during wartime, the military department will assign an officer to take command! "

"Well! Since you have made a decision, I don't care. But now the Marine Corps only has [-] people. Are you going to be an experimental unit?"

"Almost! Train [-] people first, then find a place for them to participate in actual combat, and then expand the army after the actual combat!"

Han Ling nodded.

"By the way! Just now Chen Shaokuan called again to report! Asking when they will be allocated warships."

"Allocation of warships! Today is August [-]th. You ask Chen Shaokuan to come to Beijing! Just say that I have something important to see him!"

"it is good!"

August [-]th, Chrysanthemum Hall, Xiyuan, Forbidden City

Yesterday afternoon Chen Shaokuan arrived in Beiping by airship, but Han Ling didn't summon him at that time, but summoned him this morning.

"Brother Houfu! I kept you waiting!"

Amidst a burst of laughter, Han Ling walked in.

Seeing the anxious look on Chen Shaokuan's brow, Han Ling smiled helplessly, it seemed that he had indeed kept them waiting for a long time.

"Big guy!"

"Well! Sit down! I know you're in a hurry! But there's no rush. The Pacific Fleet is our foreign fleet in Beiping. The first thing he has to face is the little devil's navy.

Seeing that you are so anxious, how can I rest assured? "

Seeing Chen Shaokuan's anxious expression, Han Ling said helplessly.

"Marshal! I can't do anything if I'm not in a hurry! We've been here for so long. The sailors have been training, and the port has been repaired! But the main battleship has been lacking, and the next training will not be easy!"

Chen Shaokuan was also a little helpless, they now lacked the main battleship.

"Well! Don't worry! I came to you today to solve the problem of the battleship for you. I have already prepared the battleship for you.

One battleship and three heavy cruisers, five medium cruisers and five destroyers.

I have already calculated that if you keep the fleet like this, you will not have enough manpower, so I will allocate some more people to you, and you will use this fleet to train sailors for me after you return.

Now Shen Honglie's East China Sea Fleet is training sailors non-stop.

The two battleships I serve for them behind me are about to form combat effectiveness.You have to speed up!

Tell me what is missing, and I will pay you.

Anyway, I only want the result, I don't ask about the process, I don't ask how much fuel you consume, and I don't ask how much ammunition you consume, I just ask about your results! "

"Yes! Guaranteed to complete the task!"

August, August in the north is already close to the autumn harvest.

The corn in the field is about to mature, and the farmers are also preparing to harvest the corn.

Today, Han Ling, Jiang Baili, Zhang Hanqing, Fang Tu, Yan Baichuan and others came to the outskirts of Beiping to inspect the basic conditions of the farmers.

"Hehe! This road is well built! I think it can bear the weight of our tank!"

Han Ling kicked the ground with his feet and said.

"This road itself was built according to the quality that can withstand our medium-sized tanks, so it can naturally bear it!"

Jiang Baili beside him said with a smile.

"Well! Let's go! Let's look around!"

Tian Laohan is a family of farmers in the suburbs of Beiping for generations.

In the past, he didn't have much land, and his family only had a few acres of land. After paying taxes, he could barely eat some grain.

But now the old man Tian is in trouble. His family has planted [-] mu of land, and he has become a small farmer in this area.

Since the administration of Peking, various factories have been established.

Some of the previous land turned to invest money in the industry.

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