This time he brought no one other than his own troops.

Han Ling kept in mind the old man Tian's haha ​​that day.

He felt that there seemed to be something in it that he didn't know.

Recently, Nanjing was defeated, and Peking accepted everything in Nanjing.

At the same time, it also accepted the countless troubles in the territory under the jurisdiction of Nanjing.

The first is the issue of foreign powers.

Within the scope of the entire Nanjing rule, there are many foreign spies.

Among them, the little devil has the most spies.

In the past month or so, more than [-] spies have been captured in the south one after another.

These spies are hiding all over the South.

Some are in some schools, and some are disguised as Chinese people and mixed in the team of Chinese people.

Han Ling was very annoyed by the sieve-like intelligence agencies in Nanjing.

They didn't even notice that so many spies from little devils had sneaked in.

What angered Han Ling the most was that some little devils had been lurking in Huaxia for nearly twenty years.

If the spy machine hadn't discovered that some people were speaking the bird language at night, Han Ling's seventh place would not have been able to detect it. This person who has lived in China for more than [-] years and is fluent in the local Chinese language, unexpectedly Will be the little devil's spy.

And it was also that most of the intelligence forces were tilted to the south. At the near end, Han Ling felt that there were some abnormalities below.

This is also the reason why he came to Weifu for a private visit.

Some things can only be discovered by Han Ling himself. Han Ling feels that the things reported by the officials below are really not very feasible.

Today, Han Ling came to the outskirts of Langfang for inspection alone with the guards.

Walking in the farmland, looking at the well-growing corn, Han Ling nodded in satisfaction.

And the cement road beside the road made Han Ling feel pretty good.

In order to promote mechanical agriculture, the traffic problem must be solved. If the traffic cannot be solved, the promotion of mechanical agriculture is a joke.

As he walked, Han Ling felt a little hungry, so he started walking towards the city.

Before arriving in the city, Han Ling saw a few roadside stalls just outside the city, and Han Ling walked over with a smile.

"Boss, bring me some rotten meat noodles and a pot of tea!"

Han Ling sat down and said to the busy boss with a smile.

"Okay! Just a moment!"

After a while, Boss Kung Fu put a portion of noodles in front of Han Ling.

Then a small teapot and small tea cups were placed on Han Ling's table.

Han Ling smiled and started eating too.

Although he has a big mouth, but when he started his career, he was in the army, so it was impossible for him to start a small business by himself, right?

So he followed the army and ate a lot of things he didn't like.

Now I'm hungry again, and the rotten meat noodles feel quite delicious.

"These dog officials! They want money to rent the machine to us!"

"That's right! The commander-in-chief has already said that as long as our farmers apply, we can rent the machine. The dog officer actually said that if he is not satisfied, he will not rent the machine!"

"Hey! Forget it, we can't afford to mess with these officials. You son, go back to the village and find everyone to gather together. The crops will be harvested soon. If we don't rent the machines, how will we harvest the grain from so many fields? Huh? A lot of young people in the village have joined the factory, and now they can only rely on these machines!"

After those young people scolded angrily, an old man said helplessly.

Since ancient times, people have never fought against officials. If these officials want to do this, what can they do?

"Uncle, that's [-] yuan! Where can we collect [-] yuan in such a short time? Those people in the village have to wait for them to come back to pay for the factory!

Now the old and young men in our village have no money, and there is still some food.But after selling the food, what shall we eat? "

The voice of the old man fell, and a young man spoke immediately.

"Hey! Everyone, let's get together! Hold on, as long as the food is harvested, we will come over."

The old man also looked very helpless.

Han Ling, who was at the side, sat there quietly without saying anything.

He just ate the noodles bit by bit, but his ears were listening to their words.

"Boss! Check out, don't look for it!"

After Han Ling finished the bowl of noodles, he put a piece of ocean on the table, and then left.

But in his heart he was thinking about something.

"Come out!"

Han Ling said softly when he was on the road.

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