"Then a group of people in casual clothes with bulging waists, but with a certain style of walking came out.

They were Han Ling's guards. This time, Han Ling only brought a battalion of guards with him.

Others are scattered around the vigilance.

"Prepare the vehicle! Return to Beijing!"


Beiping, Forbidden City, Xiyuan, Han Ling's office.

"Wang Jinke! How is our surveillance force north of the Yangtze River now?"

Wang Jinke, a clone, is the Minister of Supervision, responsible for monitoring the corruption and bribery of officials in various departments.

"Because the south has just been included in our unified scope, most of the forces have been transferred to the south. Now we have very few surveillance forces in some areas around Beiping."

"I understand! You go down!"

Han Ling also knew that Wang Jinke was not to blame for this incident.It's just that these old-fashioned bureaucrats are really hateful.But also very bold.

The monitoring force here has only been mobilized for more than a month, and they actually started to reach out.

It seems that they didn't teach them a lesson before, they really don't know the pain.

"Come on! Go and call Jin Shuren, Deputy Minister of Civil Affairs!"

Han Ling thought for a while and said.


A moment later there was a knock on the door.

"Come in!"

"Master! Are you looking for me?"

"Hmm! De'an, it seems that your Ministry of Civil Affairs is in charge of the agricultural machinery we have given to the common people in the concession!"

Han Ling looked at Jin Shuren and said.

"Well! Yes! The agricultural machinery is managed by another deputy minister, Wang Haolin!"

"Well! I see, De'an, please call Wang Haolin for me!"

"it is good!"

After a while, Jin Shuren and Wang Haolin appeared in Han Ling's room.

"Master, are you looking for me?"

Wang Haolin, an old-fashioned bureaucrat, was originally a middle-level official in Beiyang.

When he mixed with Han Ling, he finally became a deputy minister of the Ministry of Civil Affairs.

Generally, the Ministry of Civil Affairs has one minister, three to five ministers.

After all, in order to manage the civil affairs of the whole country, it will definitely not work if there are fewer people.

Just a minister can't manage it, manpower is sometimes poor!

"Well! Sit down!"

Han Ling lit a cigarette and said softly.

"Are you in charge of the agricultural machinery concession?"

Han Ling asked.

"Well! Yes! Originally, this area was under the management of Li Mingjiang, the Minister of Agriculture. But because the Ministry of Agriculture has shifted its focus to the development of the Hetao Plain and the Northeast Plain. So they don't have more energy to manage this area. One piece, our Ministry of Civil Affairs will take over!"

Wang Haolin didn't know why Han Ling asked this suddenly.But he still answered honestly.

"Are you earnestly implementing the conditions I have set for agricultural machinery in the common people's concession?"

"Please rest assured, Commander-in-Chief. We have distributed handbooks to every county and town on this point, and we must follow your instructions!"

Wang Haolin didn't seem to be feeling well.He also heard that recently, the handsome man seemed to be unable to find anyone, and he didn't know where he went.

Some things are handled by the Minister of Housing.

"dong dong dong"

Han Ling's index finger tapped on the table intentionally or unintentionally, as if he was thinking about something.

"Tomorrow you will pretend to go to Jiuzhou Town, Langfang, claiming that you are a villager from Lijiachang in Jiuzhou Town, and you want to rent an agricultural machine!"

After a while, Han Ling spoke slowly.

"Master, what is this?"

"Don't worry about it! Just do it! Write me a report when you come back!"

After Han Ling finished speaking, he left, but Wang Haolin's forehead was covered with a thin layer of sweat, and he felt that something was wrong.

This handsome man suddenly wanted to go to a small town in Langfang to rent agricultural machinery by himself, and even pretended to be a villager in a certain village

"Could it be that the commander-in-chief is really visiting the people during this time? And did he find any problems?"

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