"Three days! I'll give you three days! If you can make a proposal that satisfies me within three days, you will stay in the army! Otherwise, you will go to the Northeast Strategic Command Academy as the dean!"

Han Ling raised three fingers, looked at Huang Shaogong and said with certainty.

"Please rest assured, Commander!"

Huang Shaogong saluted.

"Well! Since you all have made a decision, that's good! You go back first! I will issue your letter of appointment in three days!"

After Han Ling said that, he glanced lightly at Huang Shaogong.

Early the next morning, Han Ling got up, still wearing his police uniform, and prepared to go to the police station.

It's just that when he was about to leave, he received the news that Shen Honglie asked to see him.

"Let him wait for me in the living room!"

Since Shen Honglie came to his home to ask to see him, it was naturally impossible to go around to the Chrysanthemum Hall, so we met him in the living room of his home.

After tidying up a bit, Han Ling walked into the living room in a police uniform.

At this time, Shen Honglie was already sitting in the living room.

"Chengzhang, why did you come to see me so early in the morning?"

"Master! I have something to do with you!"

Seeing Han Ling coming in in a police uniform, Shen Honglie froze for a moment and said.

When he came to Peiping two days ago, he heard that their general was visiting the people recently.

He didn't believe it at first, but now it seems that it's all true.

"Is there something for me? What is it?"

Han Ling asked after sitting down and taking a sip of the tea made by his servants.

"Commander! That's it, our five battleships have fully formed their combat effectiveness.

Now that he is able to fight alone, it is worthy of a battle! "

Shen Honglie looked at Han Ling with some excitement.

The battleship that was added later can finally fight alone after such a long training.

Among them, there is still a big reason for supporting the Shanghai landing front army in Shanghai last time.

"Able to form a battle? Not bad! But after so long, it is indeed time to form a combat power. If I still can't form a combat power, I will wonder if my vision is wrong."

Han Ling smiled.

"Commander! You see, our battleships have also formed a battle. Do you want to add a few more battleships to our East China Sea Fleet? Hehe! Not too many, just two, just two more!"

Shen Honglie raised three fingers and smiled.


Seeing Shen Honglie's appearance, Han Ling sprayed out a mouthful of tea.

"Shen Honglie, you said that you are fifty years old anyway! Why do you look like a child now?

Battleships have such a long manufacturing cycle, how can they be produced like dumplings? "

Han Ling said angrily.

"Hey, handsome! Although I don't know the manufacturing capabilities of our several shipyards, but looking at the destroyers being produced like dumplings these days, I know that the productivity must not be low.

handsome!Give me two more!Just two!real!I only want two! "

Shen Honglie stood up and walked to Han Ling with a flattering smile on his face. This fifty-year-old guy actually rubbed his shoulders and back for a young man like Han Ling.

"Stop! Shen Honglie, you have become tactful! Even if I give you two battleships and supporting ships, the question is do you have so many people to control them?

Even if you recruit now, it will take at least half a year to teach them! "

Han Ling knocked off Shen Honglie's hand, what did the old man do.

"Master! Don't worry about this, we must have someone! Didn't I call you a report a few months ago, saying that our navy is recruiting again, and I also handed over the list of personnel to you. Why is there no one? Am I, Shen Chengzhang, the kind of person who is unreliable in doing things?"

Seeing Shen Honglie's swearing appearance, Han Ling was puzzled.

A few months ago, Shen Honglie gave him a report on the roster of new recruits for the Navy.

He knew about this matter, but at that time, the unification war was about to start, and he didn't have time to watch it. At that time, there were not many people thinking about Shen Honglie's recruitment.

In addition, he didn't have much time, so Han Ling didn't care, but judging by his appearance, he was able to operate two battleships and their supporting ships, which was a lot of manpower.

"Come on! Go to the army and bring me the roster of new recruits that the navy handed in a few months ago!"

Confused, Han Ling spoke to the outside, and then a guard left.

After almost an hour, the guard came back and handed a roster to Han Ling.

After Han Ling took the roster, he glanced at Shen Honglie before looking at the documents.

"You recruited so many people? What do you use to support yourself? You old boy, you can't reduce the training cost for recruiting more people, right?"

Han Ling said in surprise when he saw it.

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