The naval personnel recruited on this roster are not just a few people, nor are there hundreds of them, but a total of [-] people!

This is not a small number. If [-] people are trained to control two battleships and some supporting ships, there will be no problem at all, and the number can be doubled!

"Ah! Marshal, didn't you watch it earlier?"

Shen Honglie shrunk his head, didn't the commander read the report he typed earlier?The money to support these new recruits was decided by the commander in the first place!Did you forget?

"Look at what?"

"It's just that I made a report earlier, saying that several freighters belonging to the little devils were seized. I said to hand them over, but you said to stay in the navy and improve the life of the navy!"

"You mean that thing? The supplies of those few freighters are enough for you to feed [-] navy?"

"Not enough! We have been training with the little devil's transport ship for military training! Every time we go out, we will gain something, and it is not small, so they can support [-] newly recruited navy! "

Shen Honglie said as it should.


"Are you fighting against the little devil?"

Han Ling took another sip of tea, and the corner of his mouth twitched.

"Well! Yes! I reported all these things to the army!"

During this period of time, Han Ling really didn't have time to look at these things.

"Have you finished training these people?"

Han Ling raised his eyebrows.

"Hey! It's almost there! Just wait for the commander to allocate the battleship!"

Shen Honglie smiled again, with a flattering smile on his face.

"That's right! Don't laugh, I'm panicking! It's okay, you go back first! In two days, I will give you another three Wuyue-class battleships, five heavy cruisers, and other ships. !"

Han Ling waved his hand impatiently, this Shen Honglie

After dealing with Shen Honglie's matter, Han Ling parked his car at a distance from the Fangzhuang police station before slowly walking towards the police station.


"Ugh! You just came? You didn't come this morning! What did you do?"

Seeing Han Ling who came here after eleven o'clock, Zhu Yunying asked in astonishment.

"Oh! There is something at home!"

Han Ling glanced at the office casually, and found that the other five people had disappeared.

And Zhu Yunying was still processing the documents there, and it seemed that she would not leave for a while.

"Where are the five of them?"

Sitting in the seat, Han Ling, who was idle and bored, looked at Zhu Yunying and asked.

Wearing a black police uniform, his body looks very in line with the S-curve in the eyes of men due to exercise.

And the fair face, the skin without the slightest makeup also gives people a very natural feeling.

"They're all off to lunch! A lot of times they're off work and going to eat by this point!"

Although Zhu Yunying has not been here for a long time, she obviously already knows some of their habits.

However, Han Ling frowned again.

It's only fifteen past eleven.

Forty-five minutes until closing time.

And it was [-]:[-] when I came here, which means they got off work more than [-] minutes earlier.

"It seems that these people are rotten to the root!"

Han Ling sighed inwardly, then got up and walked out of the office, walking around the entire police station.

He found that this was the case in the entire police station. Many offices were empty, and even if they were occupied, there were only one or two.

Most of them are gone!

Chapter 311: Emergency [[-]]

After reading these, Han Ling made a decision in his heart that Tang Shengzhi must clean up the police system.

Just like that, once there is something, how can we get there in the shortest time?

Shaking his head, Han Ling was about to go to the office. As for the question of eating, it was because he was already late when he came, and he was delayed by that guy Shen Honglie in the morning.

So Han Ling ate breakfast and lunch together on the way here.

It's been less than an hour since I ate, so I'm naturally not hungry.



As soon as Han Ling pushed open the door, he heard the sound of clattering.

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