When Han Ling's order was spread to all the troops, they immediately started to move.

The first is the East China Sea Fleet. The commander of the East China Sea Fleet, Shen Honglie, ordered his fleet to start heading south, preparing to wait for him in Quanzhou.

He took the aircraft that had just been developed by Qihang Company.

At the same time, Zhao Tiezhu, commander of the Seventh Army stationed in Jinan, Shandong, also arrived in Beijing by plane.

Shangjing, Forbidden City, Xiyuan, Han Ling's office.

"Chengzhang, I believe you already know why I called you here!

This time, the Chinese and the Dutch deceived people too much.Do they really think this is still a hundred years ago?The task I give you this time is to kill the Ingrowth and the Dutch!

Remember, kill them.Drive them out of Nanyang.Since Yin Yan wants to force me, don't blame me.

In addition, anti-Chinese incidents are happening in Indonesia and other places, Zhao Tiezhu.

This matter will be handed over to your Seventh Army.

You immediately take the train to Qingdao, and you must arrive there before [-] o'clock tomorrow night.

The troop carrier will arrive tomorrow afternoon.

Chengzhang, your East China Sea Fleet is deployed this time, another meaning is deterrence.

To deter countries all over the world and tell them that if they don't want to die, they should be quiet.

In addition, you are waiting for Zhao Tiezhu's transport fleet on Hainan Island.

Regarding Zhao Tiezhu's escort mission, along the way there will be fighter planes from the land-shore airport to escort you, and the giant artillery groups on the coastline will also provide you with cover.

Just don't worry!

Zhao Tiezhu, do you know why I asked your Seventh Army to perform this task this time? "

At the end, Han Ling looked up at Zhao Tiezhu and asked.

"I don't know!"

"Because you are ruthless! Although you are a farmer, you have a ruthlessness that other people don't have.

For the place where the Chinese were excluded this time, I only want to see their dead bodies, and I don't want to hear the news that there are still people alive! "

Han Ling's words shocked Zhao Tiezhu's heart, and at the same time Shen Honglie swallowed with difficulty.

"Master, this"

"Shen Honglie, do you have any questions?"

Han Ling raised his head and looked at him as if he was looking at a corpse.Shen Honglie knew that Han Ling really wanted to kill this time.

No one could persuade him, not even Jiang Baili and Zhang Hanqing.

Chapter 313: Emergency [Four]

When Han Ling gave the order for the troops to move that night, the next morning.

That is, the morning of August [-], [-].

Minister of Foreign Affairs Shi Zhaoji personally sent a note to Yin Guo, asking them to withdraw the ridiculous bill No. [-], which is the motion to levy heavy taxes on Nanyang Chinese.

After sending such a note to the Ingringles, they immediately sent a note to the Netherlands, making the same request.

The Dutchman didn't respond, he was still waiting, waiting for the Gringo's decision.

After being silent for a long time, Yin Guo, to put it bluntly, responded to Beijing after the meeting.

Said that this is the internal affairs of the British Empire, and Beijing has no right to interfere.

Not long after Yin Guoxie responded in this way, the Netherlands also rejected Shangjing for the same reason.

"Hehe! Do these Ingrets think this is fifty years ago? These Dutchmen are not good people. They want to follow the Ingrets to get cheap, but do you have the strength?"

After Han Ling got the news, he smiled contemptuously in the office.

In Asia, China is the real overlord.

Even though it lost its hegemony because of its decline, Shangjing, which has begun to rise, will once again become the hegemon in Asia.

Because the people of the country have fallen!

It's just that they still want to maintain that ridiculous majesty. This time, Han Ling will destroy their majesty and completely pull them down from the altar.

The world is no longer theirs.

"No way! Who made our country too weak? And our rise is too fast. They haven't realized it yet, and they still look at us with the old eyes. There is no way!"

Jiang Baili said helplessly.

"Hehe! Isn't it! Before, even the trash race like little devils dared to ride on our heads.

Now who would have thought that with just three years of changes, we have already begun to rise in Asia.The speed of our rise is unprecedented in the history of the world! "

Zhang Hanqing also laughed aside.

Now the economy under the rule of Beijing is the same every month.

And industrial capacity is even more so.

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