Some time ago, the passenger plane developed by Qihang Company was successfully tested and put into production. Now it has been put into production, and the military has purchased a small number of passenger planes.

Although this airliner was converted from a bomber, it cannot but be said to be an improvement!

In the past, where did Huaxia have this ability?

"Hehe! We haven't really risen yet! Our foundation is weak, and the talent pool is almost in a blank state. We still have a long way to go!"

Han Ling smiled lightly.

There are some things in it that only he knows.

With such a powerful golden finger, if he still can't rise, it can only be said that he is too stupid, or that he is an idiot.

"Well! Indeed, after two years of development, our education has finally improved.

And the many military academies we have set up across the country have also begun to operate.

I believe that as long as there are two more years, all our military academies will enter a regular state, and the problem of our officers will be successfully resolved by then. "

Jiang Baili said with a sigh.

"Hehe! You guys! Don't talk about that! What we want to talk about now is the incident of Chinese exclusion between the country and the Netherlands!

Although the nationalists are not as bad as the Netherlands, they use the method of inciting the local aborigines to reject Chinese to deal with our Chinese, but their methods are not weak!

Ten times the tax, if you don't pay the tax, all your property will be confiscated!Tsk tsk, these Indians really have a lot of appetite! "

Zhang Hanqing said with a sigh.

"Huh! I have a lot of appetite, but I'm afraid that he will have indigestion. Focus on our Huaxia, I think he is tired of work!"

Han Ling snorted coldly.

"But this matter is also difficult for us! Commander, you don't really want to"

Jiang Baili didn't say anything here, but they all understood what Jiang Baili meant.

Earlier, Han Ling ordered that the Yin countrymen be expelled from Nanyang.

How many people will be killed!

This is the rhythm of killing more than a million people!

Such a large killing, I am afraid that the whole world will condemn Shangjing.

"Hehe! Mr. Zhan Ning, Han Qing, do you think I'm too murderous?

I don't think so.

For the Dutch, it's just an outdated country.

No one will tolerate that a third-rate or even low-rate country still occupies such a rich land.

As for world condemnation?When we went to Beijing, we were not less condemned.

I'm not afraid of them doing this, and those countries may be superficial, but as long as we win against Britain this time, I believe that no country in the world will dare to tease our beards again! "

Regarding this point, Han Ling is [-]% sure!

This world speaks on strength, as long as you have strength, you will be what you say.

If you want to say that the black is white, that's fine, the key lies in the issue of strength.

It's just that Han Ling still doesn't know how to do that. It's not that Han Ling is showing kindness, but that Han Ling is going to practice with their navy.

"Well! Since you have made a decision, that's good! Hey, this world belongs to you young people after all!"

On August [-], when the East China Sea Fleet took Zhao Tiezhu's Seventh Army to the sea area, Chen Ce, who was in the sea area, announced that he would accept the leadership of Shangjing.

Can't accept it!

Other people's five super battleships are rushing towards here, just relying on my own few broken warships, I am afraid that if someone else's battleship hits you a little, it will sink you forever on the bottom of the sea.

Han Ling was not at all surprised by Chen Ce's surrender.

Asking Chen Ce to surrender was nothing more than throwing grass and beating rabbits.

And just after Chen Ce accepted the leadership of Shangjing, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Shangjing issued an ultimatum to Yin Guo and the Netherlands.

Claiming that if they fail to withdraw that ludicrous bill by two o'clock this afternoon, they will use war to resolve this issue.

The electrification of Shangjing immediately caused an uproar in the world.

Even the American guys who are dying from the economic crisis are paying attention to this matter.

They didn't expect that Huaxia, which had only been established for two years, would dare to openly challenge Yinguo, and even called for war to solve the problem.

Has the world changed?

Whether the world has changed or not, they don't know.

But at two o'clock in the afternoon on the [-]nd, Yin Guo did not revoke the ridiculous proposal. Instead, he dispatched some warships from the mainland and some warships from India to support Malaysia and other places. They wanted to see it and went to Beijing. How to solve this problem with war.

On August [-], [-], a message was released in Beijing.

The entire East China Sea Fleet has already set off, and they are also carrying an elite group army—the Seventh Group Army, heading towards Nanyang.

In order to increase its deterrent effect, Han Ling specially flew the plane over the sailing East China Sea Fleet and took a group of photos.

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