"Commander Shen, don't worry, we are already ready!"

Ren Fei has gone through countless wars in the past two years, and he has long since turned from the little battalion commander who didn't know much to an old fritter.

"Well! It is estimated that we will arrive in Singapore tomorrow afternoon, but our journey will not be so smooth! According to the information sent to us by the military department.

The Ying countrymen have now mobilized six main battleships including the Warrior, the Malaya, the Royal Yushu, the Monarch, the Rodney, and the Nelson to gather near Singapore.We have won this battle! "

Shen Honglie's eyes sank slightly, the only thing he was worried about now was where the quality of the navy sailors had reached.

In actual combat, anything can happen. I usually train well, but who knows what will happen in actual combat.

This time, there was no giant artillery group to cover them, and they had to rely entirely on themselves to defeat the six battleships of the British gangsters.

The only thing that reassures Shen Honglie is that among the battleships of the British country, only the Rodney is better. This battleship, which was completed in 27 years, is the latest and best battleship among the battleships sent by the British countrymen.

Most of the other battleships were built during the First World War.

It's not old, but it's definitely not new.

The Governor-General's Palace of Ying State in Malaysia, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia

"General Parcival, the Chinese are coming aggressively this time, can you resist their attack?"

The Governor of Malaysia, Lord Jackson, looked at the middle-aged man in the British navy uniform opposite him with a serious face.

He is Vice Admiral Parcival of the British Grenade, and he will also be in command of the battle here. [No way, general, who will come here, he has the highest rank in India and Malaysia. 】

"Your Excellency, Governor! I don't think that a few good battleships can be called a naval power!

These barbaric oriental natives dare to challenge the majesty of the British Empire because they thought they built a few good battleships. I will definitely let them cry and surrender to us! "

Parcival's tone carried the unique arrogance of a British countryman. From the bottom of their hearts, they looked down on Huaxia and the navy of the Shangjing government.

And they are completely ignored in the words.

Hundreds of years of glory have already penetrated this kind of arrogance into the bones of the British, and their navy is not afraid of any enemy.

Even knowing that the naval battleships of the Shangjing government are more advanced than before and better than themselves, they still don't think that the navy of the Shangjing government can defeat them.

"General Parcival! We can't take it lightly, after all, the main guns of their five super battleships are still very deterrent!"

"NO! NO! NO! Your Excellency Governor, you don't understand. Naval battles cannot be won just by the size of the tonnage, unless the two sides are evenly matched.

But those barbaric oriental natives, they probably only learned how to sail a boat! "

Seeing the mocking look on Parcival's face, Jackson didn't speak any more.

He also felt that he was worrying too much.

All battleships from India, Malaysia and their surroundings have gathered here, and the main domestic battleships are still coming here.

Mr. Prime Minister has already sent a telegram to show those Chinese people some color.

Thinking of these, Jackson put the worry in his heart to the bottom of his heart.

"Okay! How long will it take for those Chinese fleets to arrive?"

The relieved Governor Jackson looked at Percival Road.

"There should be about four days left!"

Percival shrugged.

In fact, this was entirely the result of Han Ling misleading them.

Because the fleet left the port two or three days later, Han Ling let the land-based airport in the south take off to take pictures.

As for where the fleet was at that time, they didn't know at all. All they could see was the dilapidated and magnificent sea.

In addition, it was at that time that the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Beijing government said that the East China Sea Fleet would go to Nanyang.

He didn't say his exact departure time, which caused the Ying Guoyou to mistakenly think that the East China Sea Fleet of the Shangjing government set off at that time.

And along the way, because the East China Sea Fleet is relying on the coastline, warships from other countries dare not approach China's coastline at all, which also leads to their intelligence errors.

However, there is still a country in the middle that has discovered the huge navy of the Shangjing government.

They are the US Navy.

U.S. Navy in the Philippines.

Their patrol boats discovered this huge navy, and after repeated confirmations, they confirmed that this fleet was the East China Sea Fleet of the Huaxia Shangjing Government.

These patrol boats then reported the news to the Governor of Fibin.

The Governor of the Philippines reported the matter to the mainland of the United States.

It was communicated to the Ying country through the mainland of the United States, and when the Ying country communicated to the Governor-General of Malaysia after a period of discussion, it was already the next morning, that is, September [-].

"What did you say? The Mi Army discovered that the East China Sea Fleet of the Chinese Shangjing Government is about to arrive in Singapore? If there is no accident, it will arrive this afternoon?"

Jackson looked at the correspondent in front of him in shock.

How he wished this news was not true.

Are they fast?

But no matter how fast it is, you can't be three or four days ahead of time!

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