"Yes! Your Excellency Governor, according to domestic analysis, a few days before the Shanghai government announced the dispatch of the navy, their navy had already left the port and rushed here!"

The correspondent honestly told Jackson the telegram sent from China.

"Ahead of schedule?"

Jackson's eyes widened. You must know that the six battleships and their fleets are all docked in three places: Kuala Lumpur, Malacca, and Muar.

If they are gathered together, they can still fight against the Huaxia people, but if they are separated, it will be far worse.

"Conspiracy! This is a conspiracy! This is a conspiracy that the Chinese people have planned long ago!"

Suddenly, Jackson roared with some grief and indignation.

He figured it out, all of this was a conspiracy by the Beijing government.

Regardless of whether the proposal is withdrawn in China or not, the Huaxia people are all planning to come to Nanyang.

If it is revoked, they are here to show off their might.

If they don't withdraw, then they are here to fight with themselves and others.

But when it comes to fighting a war, Jackson believes that the navy of the British Empire need not be afraid of the Chinese navy.

In terms of the total tonnage of the navy, the Huaxia Navy can't keep up with them.

In terms of quality, Jackson thought that the navy of the British Empire was the best in the world.

But the Huaxia people seemed to have thought of this, and actually played with them like this.

"Quick! Send a report to General Parcival and order them to retreat temporarily. Withdraw to the Strait of Malacca.

Where the terrain is too narrow for us to fight, and our fleet has not yet assembled. "

Governor Jackson thought that their fleet hadn't gathered yet, but in fact Parcival had already gathered the fleet after returning to the fleet yesterday.

And already set off after finishing, ready to rush to Singapore this morning.

As a naval power, especially a naval power that has traversed the ocean for hundreds of years.

There is no doubt that the combat quality of the British navy is very high.

They will not gather the fleet in a hurry when it is time to fight.

They will be ready in advance.

This was done very well in Parcival, but Governor Jackson didn't know, and thought that the fleet hadn't gathered yet.

However, although Parcival gathered the fleet, he was also taken aback when he received the telegram from Governor Jackson.

"The Chinese fleet arrived in Singapore three days in advance? It is expected to arrive this afternoon?"

Jackson frowned.

Chapter 315: Riau naval battle [[-]]

Although Parcival was surprised at how Shangjing's navy came back so quickly, as a vice admiral of the Yin country, he quickly issued an order to speed up, bypass Singapore as soon as possible, and reach the waters of the Riau Islands. Where to fight against Shangjing.

Although Parcival didn't think much of Shangjing's navy in words, he knew that no matter how bad it was, it would not be easy for you to eat such a huge fleet.

Especially the opponent's five super battleships are not easy to sink.

In the northern part of the Riau Islands, in the command room of the East China Sea Fleet, Huashan.

"Report to Your Excellency, Commander! The military department has sent a telegram saying that the British navy has learned that we will arrive in Singapore this afternoon. The naval fleet they have assembled has sailed out of Singapore and is now about to enter the southern part of the Riau Islands."

A communications staff officer walked up to Shen Honglie and said loudly.

"finally coming?"

Shen Honglie took a deep breath!

This is the first confrontation between them and Ying, and it is also the first time that such a large-scale naval battle has occurred.

The Mutsu number with the little devil before, that time was completely for practice.

"Send me an order to immediately release the water reconnaissance plane and find the location of the British Navy!"

Shen Honglie's gaze sank slightly.


In [-], at [-] o'clock in the afternoon on September [-], it entered the central area of ​​the Riau Islands, and the British Navy fleet also entered the central area of ​​the Riau Islands at this time.

The seaplanes of the two sides met in the air, and a sea battle broke out immediately.

"Report! The water reconnaissance plane reported that they spotted the British Navy fleet [-] nautical miles ahead!"

"Very good! Pass my order, and the fleet immediately launches an offensive formation, seizes a favorable sea position, and prepares to fight the British navy!"

When Shen Honglie heard that he had found the location, a look of excitement flashed in his eyes.

As the saying goes, what kind of officers lead what kind of soldiers.

Shen Honglie, who returned from studying in Japan, was brave and good at fighting, and the navy sailors he brought out were just like him, full of fearlessness.

Facing the British Navy this time, the naval sailors of the East China Sea Fleet did not have the slightest fear.

As for those cloned navy sailors, they don't know what fear is.

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