The distance between the two sides is getting closer and closer, when it approaches a distance of about twenty nautical miles.

The naval guns of the three Yamato-class battleships Huashan, Huangshan, and Songshan opened fire immediately.

Suddenly, the hull of the transom shook violently.

Three super battleships and [-] main ship artillery shells flew towards the battleship of the British Navy twenty nautical miles away.



In the first round, it was a test firing, and none of the shells hit the British Navy battleship.

The closest one was a near miss.

Although any battleship of the British Navy is too small compared to the Huashan, this near-missing bomb cannot cause substantial damage to the battleships of the British Navy.

After the British Navy fired the main ship's artillery shells on the Huashan, they also began to fire salvos.

Six battleships lined up fired a salvo.

The first rounds of both sides were test firings, and no shells hit.

Even the nearby destroyers and heavy cruisers were not damaged.

In the first round of test firing, neither side paid much attention to it.

"Order the fleet to full left rudder, with the heavy cruiser as the lead, followed by the battleship, the troop carrier moves to the flank of the fleet, and the destroyers and frigates protect the troop carrier!"

There was no expression on Shen Honglie's face, he just gave the order for the next stage coldly.

At this point in the era, the battle of gang jumping hundreds of years ago has almost been abandoned, and the sea battle between the two fleets would not choose contact combat under normal circumstances.

After Shen Honglie's order was issued, the three heavy cruisers began to take the lead, heading towards the right wing of the British Navy.

Heavy cruiser, a major surface ship second only to battleships in terms of displacement, firepower, and armor protection.

It has the ability to fight multiple targets at the same time, and at the same time, like a battleship, it can go out to perform tasks alone without forming a fleet to go out.

The heavy cruiser is weaker than the battleship in displacement, firepower and armor protection, but its speed is much faster than the battleship.

As for the role of heavy cruisers in a country’s navy, some tasks that do not require battleships will be performed by heavy cruisers. At the same time, before and after World War II, heavy cruisers were also responsible for rapid support and other tasks because of their independent combat capabilities. .

In a fleet, the main purpose of heavy cruisers is to protect and assist the main surface ships in the fleet or to protect the main target ships.

At the same time, it is also the absolute main force in air defense, anti-submarine, and escort.

In addition, during the landing battle, heavy cruisers also have important tasks such as providing naval gun support to ground troops.

British Fleet, HMS Rodney

"General! There is news from the reconnaissance plane that the Huaxia Navy is moving towards our right wing."

"Moving to our right wing? It seems that these Chinese navy are not so incompetent! Order the fleet to turn around, and don't let the enemy fleet run to our shooting blind spot!"


Two huge fleets are constantly detouring on the sea at this time.

On the surface of the sea, water jets exploded for a short time, which were the water jets produced by the explosion of the battleship's main ship's guns falling into the water.

Shen Honglie stood on the bridge, holding a binoculars and constantly looking at everything around him, without the slightest expression on his face.

"How far are we from them now?"

Shen Honglie's voice was a little low.

After his observation just now.

The previous three battleships performed well.

Even the Taishan, which he has always called the most useless before, has performed well this time since the start of the war.

The only one that failed was the Huangshan.

Among the five battleships now, only the two battleships Taishan and Huangshan are controlled by humans, and the remaining three are all controlled by clone soldiers.

As for the sailors that Han Ling gave him, Shen Honglie didn't know where Han Ling got them.

All of them are of high quality, and they are now the main force of the East China Sea Fleet.

Shen Honglie felt that their quality was even higher than that of the little devil's navy.

"About twenty-two nautical miles!"

A staff officer said.

"22 nautical miles? Don't slow down! Speed ​​determines our survival rate! Tell the sailors below that this battle is our first battle with the world's naval powers, and show off your usual training level! Don't let foreign devils Underestimated!"



A near-missing missile appeared next to the Songshan.

The captain of the Songshan is named Kang Jinke, a clone. After he came out of the talent training base, he can be regarded as pretty good.

So he was appointed as the captain of Songshan.

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