Jerry, the captain of the battleship Warrior.

He heard and felt the explosion and vibration caused by the hit on the No. [-] turret just now.

He touched his left arm, and it was still hurting because of the explosion just now that he was hit on the iron wall next to him.

"Give power to General Jackson, request the fleet to cover, and move closer to the fleet, requesting the fleet to cover!"


After all the personnel went out, Jerry sighed in his heart: The use time of the Warrior is still a bit long!And the performance of battleships is also slightly behind.

"Very good! Let them continue to launch, and keep a distance from the British Navy fleet, not to approach fifteen nautical miles!"

Shen Honglie gave the order again.

There is also a reason why Shen Honglie gave such an order.

First of all, in terms of the overall coordination of the entire fleet, our own fleet cannot keep up with the British fleet.

Although Shen Honglie is unwilling to admit this fact, the establishment of the East China Sea Fleet is too short.

If the quality of the navy sailors here is all the quality of clone soldiers.

Shen Honglie is definitely not afraid, it is no problem to directly approach the distance of ten nautical miles.

But not now, the coordination of the entire fleet is not good, and the quality cannot catch up with the British Navy.

Once it is close to a distance of fifteen nautical miles, the quality of the British Navy will be fully reflected.

At that time, the chances of one's own battleship being hit will be greatly increased.

And close to fifteen nautical miles, the main guns of the opponent's battleship are likely to be able to penetrate the outer armor of one's own battleship.

Just now Shen Honglie looked at it carefully, the tonnage of the opponent's battleship and the caliber of the main ship's gun, protection ability, and speed are all far behind his own.

Some of their main ship guns hit some positions of their own battleships, and they could not penetrate the outer protective armor of their own battleships at all.

Especially Huashan and Songshan.

It's not that Songshan's good turret has never been hit.

After all, there is a reason why the Ying countrymen have been able to roam the sea for hundreds of years.

Its combat effectiveness is definitely not weak.

However, the turret of the Songshan was hit.

But it is very unfortunate that the main guns of the battleships of the British countrymen cannot penetrate the turret armor of the Songshan at a position of [-] nautical miles.

Songshan is a Yamato-class battleship in history.

How thick is the frontal armor of the turret of the Yamato-class battleship?

650 mm!

Yes, 650 mm of armor!

Back then, the Yamato class was called an unsinkable battleship by the little devil, and there was a reason for this.

The thickness of its armor can be said to be unprecedented.

At present, the 650mm main naval gun of this space-time ying gangster is still unable to penetrate [-]mm armor, especially at a distance of more than [-] nautical miles.

But this is the armor thickness of the main turret.

His upper deck is 55mm thick and the main deck is 200mm thick.

This kind of armor, if the distance is close, and it just falls on it, the main naval gun with more than [-] mm can still easily tear them apart.

This is also the reason why Shen Honglie is unwilling to approach fifteen nautical miles.

Although at a distance of more than twenty nautical miles, their shooting level will also be reduced.

But if they hit one shot, with the caliber of the main guns of the battleships Songshan and Huashan, they can easily tear apart the outer protective armor of the battleships of the British Navy.

Shen Honglie's tactic, I have to say, is the best for the current East China Sea Fleet.

In this way, the loss of personnel and equipment of the East China Sea Fleet can be minimized.

Shen Honglie, who was used to living a poor life before, felt his liver hurt when he saw those shells hitting the battleship.

And seeing the sailors he had trained so hard to die in battle was even more distressing.

And he knows that these navies are the seeds of the Huaxia Navy and the hope of the Huaxia Navy.

So he wants to reduce losses as much as possible, and then eat the British Navy fleet.

There is always an end to war.

When the afterglow of the setting sun shone on the ocean, the British Navy Fleet and the East China Sea Fleet each retreated [-] nautical miles, preparing to spend the night at sea, and then continue to fight tomorrow morning.

This afternoon, half an afternoon of fighting.The biggest loss for both sides is probably that the battleship HMS Warrior of the British Navy was blown up a turret, causing the ammunition depot to explode.

For the other ships, neither side suffered any losses.

This is the confrontation between naval battles.

The naval battle this afternoon can be said to be a test for both sides.

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