And through the naval battle this afternoon, both sides have a general understanding of the specific strength of the two sides.

British Navy Fleet, aboard the battleship Rodney

"Strange! Why is there such a big difference?"

Jackson couldn't help frowning as he looked at the newspapers below and some statistics from the headquarters.

The results of the test this afternoon came out, and he also had a copy of the data in his hand.

It's just that this set of data made him feel very puzzled.

A fleet is going to go to sea to fight, and their qualities are generally similar.

Even if there is a difference, it will not be too different.Today, according to their assessment of the Huaxia East China Sea Fleet, they found that the performance of this fleet varies greatly.

It's so big that they don't even know the specific strength of this fleet.

First of all, judging from the performance of the three battleships Huashan, Songshan, and Hengshan, of course they don't know the names of these three battleships.

In their opinion, the salvo coordination, formation coordination, and the quality of the gunners on these three battleships are all very high.

Although the Ying countrymen didn't want to admit it, they knew in their hearts that the level of these three battleships was no worse than them, or even slightly higher than them.

If the performance of these three battleships is the overall strength of the fleet, even Jackson is not sure of winning this naval battle.

However, the performance of the other two battleships made Jackson rush to laugh.

Because of the performance of those two battleships, you can tell they are novices at a glance.

The quality of the gunners and the overall cooperation between the upper and lower parts of the battleship, it can be seen that they have not been tempered in actual combat, and there are still many problems between them.

This made Jackson puzzled.

It stands to reason that those who have just trained the navy like Huaxia should have trained together, and the level gap should not be so big!

Even if there is a gap in the middle, it won't be so big!

One can tell that he is an elite at a glance, and the other can tell that he is a novice at a glance. The difference is not a little bit.

Almost all the shells that hit them this afternoon were fired by these three battleships.

As for the other two battleships, although there were hits, not many, they did not cause substantial damage to them.

"It's really nerve-wracking! What's going on with the strength of the Huaxia Fleet? How can there be such a big difference?"

Jackson rubbed his head.

"You go and send a message to the officers and soldiers below, and let them concentrate their firepower tomorrow morning to destroy the two low-quality battleships of the East China Sea Fleet first, and then deal with the other three battleships.

Remember, there must be a raid tomorrow morning.They're faster than us, and we can't catch them without a surprise attack! "

Because the warships of the East China Sea Fleet are all new-type warships, and their performance is much more advanced than that of the British Grenade.

Therefore, in terms of speed, the British nationals have never been able to catch up with the East China Sea Fleet. This can be seen from the fact that the British nationals had to defend this afternoon.


Jackson was wondering why there was such a big gap in the strength of the Huaxia East China Sea Fleet, while Shen Honglie was lamenting that the old naval power really deserved its reputation.

This afternoon, Shen Honglie has been observing the combat quality and strength of the British Navy.

It is combined through the news sent back by the telescope this afternoon and the water reconnaissance plane.

Shen Honglie came to the conclusion that the naval strength of the British Grenade is indeed not covered up.

The fact that other people have been able to cross the ocean for hundreds of years is not just blown out, but that other people have real strength.

This afternoon, our own battleships were superior in all aspects, but there were actually some damages, and according to their estimates, except for one turret of a battleship that was destroyed by the British Grenade.

Other large losses are nothing.

Four o'clock in the morning the next day, that is, four o'clock in the morning on September [-], [-].

This is the time when people sleep deeply, and it is also the time when people sleep relatively dead.

At this time, there were people walking around on the British Navy fleet.

It's just that they didn't turn on the lights, and the entire fleet looked like a beast lurking in the dark.

At this time, Jackson was sitting in the command room, lighting a low-power lamp in front of him.

And around him are a group of staff officers from the headquarters.

"Are the ships ready?"

After a long time, Jackson opened his bloodshot eyes and asked.

"Please rest assured, general, we are all ready and ready to attack the opposite side at any time!"

A staff officer looked at Jackson and said.

"Well! How much time is it now?"

"Four past three in the morning!"

"Order the fleet to advance to the Huaxia East China Sea Fleet immediately! Remember, the movement must be small! It is already four o'clock in the morning, and in another hour, the sky will begin to light up.

As long as we are within ten nautical miles, they are by no means our opponents! "

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