There was a little light in Jackson's eyes.

Chapter 317: Riau Naval Battle [[-]]

At four o'clock in the morning, it is the time when people sleep the most at night, including the East China Sea Fleet which is still asleep at this time.

It's just that Shen Honglie got up.

Standing on the deck of Huashan, feeling the sea breeze at night, Shen Honglie closed his eyes comfortably.

This time they are fighting the world's real old sea power.

He couldn't really fall asleep last night.

I believe that under such circumstances, few commanders can sleep peacefully.

"Commander! It's half past four!"

A staff officer quietly walked to Shen Honglie's side and said.

"Is it [-]:[-]? This time really flies! Change the patrol ships in front! Let them have a rest. It is estimated that today will be the time for us to have a real confrontation with Britain!"

A smile appeared in Shen Honglie's eyes.

As long as this battle is won, I believe that in the whole of Asia, including the little devils, they will not dare to tease China's tiger whiskers again.

And China's dominance in Asia will also be slowly confirmed.


Time passed by every minute and every second.

It was almost five o'clock.

At this time, Jackson and the others were about fifty-seven nautical miles away from the East China Sea Fleet.

Because most of their battleships are products of World War I.

The speed of battleships produced during that period was generally between 20 and 25 knots.

And the speed of Jackson's entire fleet is 23 knots.

How fast is 23 knots?

A speed of 23 knots is 23 nautical miles per hour.

One nautical mile is equal to 185 kilometers.

That is, their speed is about 425 kilometers per hour.

Last night they retreated thirty miles each, plus the twenty miles in between.

The distance between them is eighty nautical miles.

Eighty nautical miles, now 23 nautical miles forward.

The distance between the two sides is about fifty-seven nautical miles.

According to their current speed, that is to say, two hours later, that is, seven o'clock in the morning, when the soldiers are having breakfast, they will be within ten nautical miles of the East China Sea Fleet.

"I hope they won't find out!"

Standing on the edge of the deck, looking at the receding sea water, Jackson couldn't help muttering to himself.

"Boss! Are you worried about something?"

At this moment, Jackson's chief of staff, Nars, walked to his side and asked softly.

"Oh! Nars, why did you come out?"

Seeing his chief of staff come out, Jackson said.

"Hehe! Didn't you come out too? The sea breeze in the morning feels really comfortable!"

Nars stretched his waist.

"Yes! Very comfortable!"

A smile appeared on Jackson's face.

"Jelson, what do you seem to be worried about? Are you worried about our failure in this battle?"

Looking at the absent-minded Jackson, Nars asked.

"Nals, how did Huaxia build a fleet in such a short period of time?"

There was a look of confusion in Jackson's eyes, and then he continued: "You know, I have always been puzzled by this.

They built such a huge fleet in just over a year!When I saw the combat effectiveness of their three battleships yesterday, I couldn't believe it. This is a fleet that has only been formed for a little over a year and has almost no experience in large-scale naval battles!

I was amazed by their perfect coordination and the speed and accuracy of their firing.I can't imagine how they did it! "

When he said this, there was still this hint of doubt in Jackson's eyes.

Believe in these doubts, not only Jackson, but even many people in China are wondering.

They have no idea how all this is built, it's like a dream.

Before they knew it, they actually rebuilt the Sea Fleet.

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