"Jelson, China in the East has always been a mysterious country.

From the four ancient civilizations, they are the only ones who have completely passed on to the present. This is a miracle.

Too many miracles have happened in this country, even their leader Han Ling is a miracle.

A young man under the age of 24 rules a huge country, can you imagine all this? "

Nars on the side said softly.

"Yeah! It's a mysterious country, but this time they provoke our British Empire, I must give them some color!"

Jackson said as if to cheer himself up.

"En! We will definitely be able to defeat them!"

At six o'clock, when Jackson and the others were still thirty-four nautical miles away from the East China Sea Fleet, it was the time when Shen Honglie released the water reconnaissance plane and the soldiers began to eat breakfast.

Today's battle does not know how long it will last, nor how cruel it will be.

So soldiers need to eat breakfast as soon as possible, and then start fighting.

At [-]:[-], a message came from the water scout plane.

"What did you say? The British Sea Fleet is only twenty-seven nautical miles away from us?"

When Shen Honglie received this sudden news, he immediately felt bad.

Before their truce last night, the distance between the two sides was [-] nautical miles. After all, this distance is relatively safe, and they are not afraid of sneak attacks by the other party!

But this morning, it was only after six o'clock, and they were only twenty-seven nautical miles away. What does this mean?

This shows that they have traveled more than fifty nautical miles.

According to their speed, that is to say, they have been driving towards their side since four o'clock in the morning.

"Quick! Sound the battle alarm! The fleet is ready to fight!"

After being stunned for a moment, Shen Honglie immediately ordered the fleet to start moving.

Then at half past six, eighteen minutes later, the entire East China Sea Fleet finally sailed at full speed, and at the same time they began to meet the British Sea Fleet.

Shen Honglie knew that at such a time, he must not back down.

Yesterday's method of shooting at a distance of twenty nautical miles is no longer acceptable.

The spirit of the sea is to attack. If at this time, I ordered a retreat instead, I am afraid that it will affect the morale of the entire fleet.

And at this time, the British Sea Fleet was only fifteen nautical miles away from them. [The East China Sea Fleet is still sailing in the middle. 】

"Huashan, Songshan, Huangshan stepped forward, covered by heavy cruisers, watch out for torpedoes.

The other ships are in their positions, pay attention to cover the battleship! "

At this time, Shen Honglie was giving combat orders, and at the same time he was feeling annoyed. He never expected that the British Sea Fleet would actually start to move towards his side last night.

Originally, Shen Honglie thought that today would be a sea battle, and his side would let the soldiers have a good night's rest, and the other side might do the same.

Who knew that the British Sea Fleet did not play cards normally, which was beyond Shen Honglie's expectation.

This is also the reason why Shen Honglie released the water reconnaissance plane at six o'clock.

Generally speaking, the water reconnaissance plane should be released after dawn.

At this point, Shen Honglie made a mistake.

Although Shen Honglie can be regarded as China's sea veteran, he has never participated in world-class naval battles, lacks actual combat experience, and takes some things for granted.

If Chen Shaokuan, who participated in the sea battle of World War I, came, he would definitely release the water reconnaissance plane at dawn.

And it is not necessarily true that he will also prepare to attack the British Sea Fleet in the middle of the night.

Don't forget that during the First World War, Chen Shaokuan served in the British Sea for quite a long period of time. He was very familiar with these British Seas, their combat methods, and their combat laws.

British Sea Fleet, HMS Rodney

"Boss! Those Chinese fleets may have spotted us! The destroyer in front sent a telegram just now, and a water reconnaissance plane appeared above their heads just now."

Nars walked to Jackson's side and said.

"It's not possible! It's certain! The plane just now must be Huaxia's water reconnaissance plane. Order the fleet to move forward at full speed, and at the same time release our water reconnaissance plane!"

I was afraid that those Chinese people would find out.But looking at the current appearance, it is obvious that they were discovered by them. If this is the case, let's release the plane to detect the distance between us and them.

At the same time, order the fleet to launch an offensive formation, and must tear them apart before they react! "

Jackson knew that this was their only chance.

It is necessary to arrive before the speed of the East China Sea Fleet is fully raised, and then disrupt their formation.

In an era without aircraft carriers, the formation of a naval fleet is very important.

Sometimes whoever grabs the T position first will have the upper hand.

So this is very important.

"Commander! The water reconnaissance plane of the British Sea Fleet has been spotted ahead, and our advance ship has already appeared in the eyes of the ships in front of us!"

A staff officer hurriedly ran to Shen Honglie and said.

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