On the other hand, the Sovereign has no main cannon beans.

"To be or not to be"

The words from Hamlet came to their minds again.

"What did you say? The Sovereign lost power? At the same time all the main guns were destroyed?"

Just as Jackson was anxiously looking at the time, hoping to delay until dark, he got this news that he never wanted to get.

That is, the Sovereign, which has lost power and main naval guns, is about to face the same result as the Warrior.

"Quick! Order other ships to drag the Monarch away from the battlefield!"

Already losing one Warrior, Jackson didn't want to lose another Sovereign.

If this is the case, six battleships come and two are lost, what a loss!

As far as this loss is concerned, it will take them a year or two to make up for it.

After all, the manufacturing cycle of battleships is very long.

And now that their finances are not good, I am afraid that the manufacturing cycle of battleships will be extended.

Chapter 323: The Sunken Battleship [Five]

Sorry readers, the commander of the British Sea Fleet is Percival, the governor is Jackson, Xiaolong has been confused these days!

This chapter has been corrected. In the previous chapters, first ask the editor for permission, and then modify it!

Sorry readers, this is Xiaolong's fault.

"British guys, British guys! You still want to save this battleship at this time, should I say you are stupid, or should I say something about you? Or are you too naive?"

Shen Chengzhang couldn't help sneering as he looked at the British fleet approaching the Sovereign.

"Pass down the order, concentrate your firepower, and kill the Sovereign on the British Sea! I, Shen Chengzhang, will also fight to become famous today!"

It would be unwise for the British Sea Fleet to try to recover a ship that had lost power, even if they were very close to the Sovereign, it would still be foolish.

They could do nothing but add destroyers and frigates to their list of lost warships.

The destroyers, heavy cruisers, and battleships of the East China Sea Fleet began to release a large number of torpedoes.

The target of these torpedoes is the Sovereign, which has lost power.

Under the premise of losing power and artillery, the British sailors on the Sovereign could only watch the torpedoes forming a dense wave line rush towards them.

To be honest, the speed of the torpedo is not fast, but it is this unpleasant speed that gives the sailors in the British sea a kind of grief to see their warship being hit with their own eyes.

It is said that death is not terrible, but it is just a momentary thing!

But if you know death, but death comes so slowly, it can create a kind of oppressive psychology for people.

Just like the feeling in the British Sea now.

Countless torpedoes rushed towards them.

The surrounding frigates and destroyers still use their hulls to block those torpedoes for the Sovereign.

At the same time, the Malaya is connecting the Sovereign with iron cables. As long as the iron cable is connected, he will drag the Sovereign to sail backwards, and the entire fleet will escort them and retreat slowly.

When the ships of the East China Sea Fleet saw this scene, three heavy cruisers rushed up regardless of the cover of a battleship on the opposite side.

A heavy cruiser, its armor is second only to battleships, but its speed is very fast.

The main guns on the heavy cruiser also began to bombard the frigates.

At the same time, more than a dozen torpedoes were released.

No matter how hard the British Sea Fleet tried, the three heavy cruisers rushed up, disrupting their plans and destroying their plans.

After being hit by five torpedoes, the Malaya knew that the Sovereign could not be saved.

Because a lot of water is flooding into his hull, plus the previous damage.

Even if it is dragged back and repaired, its repair price is not much cheaper than building a new battleship.

So the Malaya wanted to run away.

kindness!The Malaya ran away, but he was also hit by two battleship main gun shells.

At such a short distance, coupled with Songshan's intentional aiming.

A turret in Malaya was knocked out, and one was hit on the deck, and a hole with a diameter of several meters appeared on the deck of the Malaya.

At four o'clock in the afternoon, after being hit by fifteen torpedoes, the Sovereign finally sank unwillingly.

Accompanying it sank were the sailors in the British Sea who hadn't escaped and were sucked in by the vortex.

The British Sea Fleet also began to retreat in an all-round way.

It's impossible not to retreat!

If they are entrusted here again, not to mention being sunk again a battleship, but there are losses again, this is impossible to escape.

So they all retreated.

They retreated, and Shen Chengzhang ordered the East China Sea Fleet to pursue them in an all-round way.

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