The sun slowly dipped below the horizon and night began to fall.

China's East China Sea Fleet is rapidly approaching Singapore at this time.

They will spend the night in Singapore tonight. As for the British Sea Fleet, they have retreated into the Strait of Malacca through the Singapore Strait.

The reason why the British Sea Fleet was able to escape the pursuit of the East China Sea Fleet was that Shen Chengzhang and the others were not familiar with this sea area.

After all, such a huge fleet is sailing in such an unfamiliar sea area, and the situation in some sea areas is still unknown.

Otherwise, the British Sea Fleet can run?

But let them run!

The monk can't run away from the temple. Anyway, the reinforcement fleet on the British Sea will take four days to arrive.

These four days are enough for the East China Sea Fleet to clean up the remaining fleet in the British Sea.

"What about our fleet losses?"

Shen Chengzhang sat in his command tower, looked at the light, and asked faintly.

He knew that it took so long to chase after Ying Hai's Sovereign.

His own fleet must have suffered losses.

Although the damage to the battleship was not large, it was still damaged.

Many places were pitted by British sea shells, and these things also needed to be repaired after they landed.

There are a few other things that need to be tinkered with as well.

As for other ships, the heavy cruiser did not sink, but the destroyer and frigate must have sunk a lot.

Shen Chengzhang was sure of this, because he had seen two destroyers sink before.

But there is no way to do this, this is war.

When there is a war, there must be casualties, whether it is ships or personnel.

"Our battleships are mostly moderately damaged, but they have little effect on combat effectiveness, so we can continue to fight!

In addition, among our heavy cruisers, two heavy cruisers were hit by torpedoes, and the airtight compartments have been closed, and there is no serious problem for the time being.

In addition, three medium cruisers were sunk and five light cruisers were sunk.Twelve more destroyers were sunk!The loss of other frigates is not big! "

A staff officer stood behind Shen Chengzhang and said.

"En! This loss is still within our tolerance, order the fleet to speed up!

We're not going into port tonight!Occupy Singapore early tomorrow morning, and then release the soldiers and marines! "

The loss of the East China Sea Fleet was within Shen Chengzhang's tolerance, but the loss of the British Sea Fleet was beyond Parcival's tolerance.

This time, six battleships, eight light and heavy cruisers, thirty-five destroyers, and more than twenty frigates and other ships were dispatched to the British Sea.

But now they have only four battleships left, and all of them are injured.

Of the eight light and heavy cruisers, only three remained, all of which were also injured.

Of the thirty-five destroyers, only seven remain.

The remaining twenty-eight ships were all sunk.

And the frigate was completely lost.

Such a loss was something Parcival had never experienced since his military career.

But Parcival also knew that now was not the time to be sad, he had to report this matter.

British Isles, Capital, Prime Minister's Residence

"What did you say? The Sovereign was also sunk? Twenty-eight destroyers were sunk? Five light and heavy cruisers were sunk? All frigates were lost?"

Old Mai stared at the sea minister in front of him in a daze, not even noticing that the coffee cup in his hand had dropped on the carpet.

"Yes! Mr. Prime Minister, our Sovereign was sunk, the cruiser and destroyer suffered heavy losses, and the frigate was completely lost.

Now Boss Parcival is leading the fleet to Malacca. "

The face of the Minister of the Sea is also not good. The naval battle lasted for three days.

It was the biggest naval battle they had experienced after World War I, but the result frightened them silly.

A country that was once looked down upon by them has now sunk their two battleships and various other ships. This result has already made them feel very heartbroken.

"How long will it take for our support fleet to arrive?"

Lao Mai cleared his mind before asking.

"There are still three to four days!"

Said the Minister of the Sea.

"Three to four days!"

Old Mai clenched his fist tightly, his joints turned white for a while.Three to four days, this time is not long, but it is definitely not short.

This time is enough for the Huaxia Sea Fleet to beat them up again, or even eat them.

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