"Do you think we can hold out until reinforcements arrive?"

After a while, Lao Mai asked with some uncertainty.

In fact, he already knew the answer in his heart.

"If they can abandon areas like Kuala Lumpur, maybe they can hold out until domestic reinforcements arrive."

The Marine Minister did not answer directly, but said to abandon Kuala Lumpur.

But is it possible?

Kuala Lumpur, which is the seat of the Governor General of Malaysia.

The Governor of Malaysia, Jackson, also has certain command authority over this fleet.

The most critical thing is that the supplies of this fleet need to be replenished in Kuala Lumpur.

It is impossible for Jackson to let this fleet abandon Kuala Lumpur and wander outside by himself.

And if I personally ordered to abandon Kuala Lumpur, it would be tantamount to abandoning Jackson.

Jackson, the Governor of Malaysia, is not a small lord. He also has a high influence in the domestic political arena, and behind him stands a huge force.

The most important thing is that he represents the power of the British aristocracy.

If I give up on him, then a group of people will think of ways to kill themselves.

Now Mai is caught in a dilemma.

On the one hand, it is to abandon Kuala Lumpur, but it will be attacked by some domestic forces.

If you don't give up, you will have to defend Kuala Lumpur, and the result will be that the entire fleet will be wiped out, or it will surrender to Huaxia Sea.

This will be a shame for the British Empire for hundreds of years, and there will also be a group of people who want to kill themselves.

And his prime minister's throne will also become shaky.

And if you want to keep Kuala Lumpur without losing this fleet, you have to reach a settlement with Huaxia, or even pay a certain price.

Chapter 324: Important Rules [Part [-]]

Seeing where Lao Mai was struggling, the Minister of the Sea naturally knew what he was struggling with.

"Mr. Prime Minister, I think we are temporarily softening, and keeping Kuala Lumpur and this naval fleet is the top priority.

Although this may lose a little bit of our majesty, in reality, this is the best result! "

Seeing that Lao Mai was still struggling, the Minister of the Sea couldn't help feeling anxious.

"You are right! But what price do we have to pay? You know, this time Huaxia Beiping sent such a huge fleet, it must be dissatisfied with the distribution of rights and interests in this world, and they also want to join it The benefits we give are less, with the character of their leader, will they agree?"

Not to mention, this old Mai still has the vision to be able to sit on the position of prime minister.

He could see Han Ling's deep meaning in this operation at a glance.

Yes, Han Ling made a claim on the territory of Malaysia.Express dissatisfaction with the distribution of benefits in this world, and he will join it.

Therefore, all battleships capable of combat in the East China Sea Fleet were dispatched this time.

"Why don't we go test Huaxia first?"

The Minister of the Sea asked uncertainly.

"Well! I think it can!"

On September [-], [-], Carl, the British Minister to China, secretly asked to see Han Ling, and Han Ling also received them in the Chrysanthemum Hall.

"Mr. Carl, I don't know what's the matter with your request to see this time?"

After Han Ling and Carl talked about it for a long time, they looked at Calvin knowingly and asked with a smile.

"This damn Chinese!"

Karl cursed secretly in his heart, but there was a hypocritical smile on his face.

"Dear Boss Han, this time I received an order from my country. Our country has decided to revoke the No. [-] bill. Our country will definitely guarantee the safety of all lives and property of returned overseas Chinese in the territory of our British Empire!"

"Oh? Ambassador Carl, I have to say. Your country's No. [-] plan is very inhumane.

I didn't expect such a thing to happen in Britain, which is known as a free country.This is detrimental to your country's image of freedom and harmony.

Overseas Chinese in our country abide by the laws and regulations in the territory of your country, and have not violated any law of your country.

But your heavy taxes on overseas Chinese have never been seen in the history of the world.

I am extremely outraged that something like this happened.”

At this time, Han Ling changed suddenly, and immediately became a Kanzi in the capital, saliva flying all over the place.

Karl felt as if he was going to faint.

Hearing what Han Ling meant, it seemed that everything in it was their fault.

Although Karl was upset, he didn't dare to speak out.

If the person in front of them is not stopped from continuing to wage war, their situation will suffer by then.

"Dear Boss Han! Our country has received your opinion. I guarantee that such a thing will never happen in the future!"

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