After finally seeing Han Ling stop and drink tea from the cup, Karl said quickly.

He was afraid that Han Ling would continue talking.

"En! I still believe in Mr. Carl's credibility!"

It's also interesting to say that the two of them, Carl said he promised, playing a small game.

And Han Ling is also interesting, I believe in your reputation.That is to say, I don't believe in the reputation of your country!

"Ahem! Dear Boss Han, I made a slip of the tongue. Once again, on behalf of our country, I assure you that such a thing will never happen again in the future!"

Knowing that Han Ling saw through his narrow-mindedness, Karl was embarrassed for a second and then made a serious promise!

"En! I believe that your country will keep its promise! If this is the case, can you put up colorful flags on the sea of ​​your country to welcome our fleet to settle in?"

Han Ling looked at Carl with a smile on his face. If this smile was pulled to Yanlailou and become an old bustard, it would definitely be at the level of a master.

"What? Settling in?"

Carl's eyes widened suddenly. What does Han Ling mean?He said his fleet will be stationed in Malaysia?

"Dear Boss Han, what do you mean by this? Where do you want to settle?"

Carl asked cautiously.

"Of course it is settled in Kuala Lumpur! This time, such a thing happened, although you made a guarantee to our country.

However, overseas Chinese in our country still expressed concern about their personal and property because of past events, so they asked to return to China, hoping to bring all their property back to China for development!

Mr. Carl, please rest assured about the entry of our country.

As long as the overseas Chinese in our country withdraw, we will leave Kuala Lumpur and will never stay there! "

Seeing Han Ling's swearing look, Carl's mouth twitched.

Waiting for all the property to return to China?

How much wealth do the Chinese in Nanyang control in Nanyang?

Ninety percent!

A full ninety percent!

If all of them were brought back to Huaxia, Nanyang would lose [-]% of its wealth in an instant!

It's no wonder that Nanyang's economy didn't collapse instantly, and where do they collect their taxes?

This time we lost two battleships and so many battleships, how can we not raise some funds to replenish them?

If all the overseas Chinese withdraw, then the significance of their holding Nanyang will not be as great as before, the most important thing is.

Withdrawing [-]% of the wealth, Nanyang's economy collapsed instantly, and they still have to spend a lot of thought on developing Nanyang's economy.Their local economy is not doing well, and they are going to develop the economy of Nanyang, isn't this nonsense!

"Dear Boss Han, please tell the overseas Chinese in your country that such a thing will never happen in our country. I hope they will not withdraw! They will definitely be the most honored guests of our British Empire in the future!"

For the benefit, Karl had to make a promise in a low voice.

"Hey! Mr. Carl, you are really embarrassing me! Although I believe in you, the people of our country don't believe in you! This is really difficult!"

Seeing Han Ling's troubled expression, Karl couldn't help feeling anxious.

If the supreme leader of China really evacuated the Chinese in Nanyang, how much impact would it have on them?

"Dear Boss Han, is there anything you can do?"

"A way? If there is a way, I have one! I don't know if you agree or not!"

Han Ling looked at Carl with a troubled expression.

If Zhang Hanqing were here, he would definitely say: Marshal, it would be a pity if you don't go to act!

"any solution?"

Carl, who was already in a hurry, didn't notice at all that he had fallen into Han Ling's pocket.

A sly look flashed in the corner of Han Ling's eyes and he said, "Although overseas Chinese in our country don't believe in your country, they do believe in our country!

As long as your country agrees that our country is stationed in Kuala Lumpur, Singapore and other places to ensure their safety, I believe they will never return to China! "

"What? Are you going to be stationed in places like Kuala Lumpur and Singapore?"

Carl, who was anxious at first, looked at Han Ling vigilantly when he heard Han Ling's words.

At the same time, he cursed secretly: "This damned Chinese actually wants to get involved in Malaysia."

"Of course! If we don't station here, overseas Chinese in our country will feel that their lives and property are not guaranteed!"

Han Ling said as it should.

"Then how much do you want to stay?"

Carl looked at Han Ling with a vigilant look and asked.

"Stations! Let me do the math! We have hundreds of thousands of overseas Chinese in Nanyang, and the distribution of these hundreds of thousands of overseas Chinese is a bit wide. There are fewer stationed here, and they may feel insecure.

I think it's okay to station [-] so-so! "

Han Ling counted slowly with his fingers, and finally came to a conclusion that [-] people needed to be stationed in Malaysia and other regions.

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