"Two hundred thousand? No! Absolutely not!"

When he heard that Han Ling was going to station [-] in Malaysia, Carl's head shook like a rattle.

What fun, if Han Ling is really allowed to station [-] in Malaysia, will Malaysia belong to China or his UK?

And Huaxia is so close to Malaysia.

Once Huaxia wants to rob Malaysia, they don't even have time to react.

"Mr. Carl, don't rush to disagree. Think about it, our country has hundreds of thousands of overseas Chinese in Nanyang, and they are so widely distributed. If there are no [-] stationed here, how can the overseas Chinese in our country feel safe? By then We can only transfer all overseas Chinese and their property back to China!"

At this time, Han Ling was guiding Karl like a big bad wolf.

"No, no, no! It's not your calculation.

You are going to be stationed in Malaysia to protect the overseas Chinese in your country.If you want to protect the overseas Chinese in Nanyang, you cannot all station in Malaysia, so you cannot protect the overseas Chinese in Nanyang, so please consider this matter carefully! "

Carl looked at Han Ling with a look of vigilance and a look of thinking about you and said.

In fact, Karl almost didn't say that you wanted to snatch our colonies.

But he still held back, because he knew that once he said that, it would be embarrassing.

"En! What you said makes sense!"

Han Ling's appearance of approval made Carl's expression very happy.

"However, I am stationed in the Philippines and other places, and they disagree! After all, our relationship with the United States is not as good as ours, China and Britain.

You see, since 1840, China and Britain have established a profound friendship.

In addition to this misunderstanding, is the UK going to reject my friendship with China? "

Seeing Han Ling's shameless face, Karl admired him a little bit.

Being able to do this is considered a talent.

Now who in China doesn't know that Han Ling regards what happened in 1840 as a shame?

Who doesn't know that Han Ling once blatantly shouted the slogan of "eye for an eye"?

Now it's about friendship.

But Karl also knew Han Ling's attitude from this.

That was the next thing, he could enforce his will without force.This makes Karl feel better, so at least they won't lose the fleet anymore!

Chapter 325: Important Rules【中】

However, Karl admired Han Ling's shameless face.However, he would never agree to station [-] people in Malaysia.

If Han Ling is really allowed to station [-] people in Malaysia, will the Malaysian surname be Hua or Ying?

"No, no, no! Dear Boss Han, you have too many [-] troops stationed in Malaysia, which is not conducive to your delivery of logistical supplies, and such a huge army will have an impact on the natives of Malaysia. So I hope You can think carefully! In my opinion, your [-] stationed is enough to protect the safety of overseas Chinese in your country!"

Now that he knew that Han Ling would not use force to carry out his will, Karl relaxed a little.

As long as you don't use force and everyone respects the rules of this world and plays at the negotiating table, then it doesn't matter.

Negotiate Negotiate!Negotiations must be negotiated!

"Twenty thousand? Mr. Carl, this is too little, no! This is really unable to guarantee the safety of overseas Chinese in our country. But what you said is also reasonable, two hundred thousand is indeed a bit much.

Let's make it [-]! "

Carl looked at Han Ling quietly, the corner of his mouth twitching.

Eighteen thousand?

"Dear Boss Han, I think your [-] stationed is the maximum limit! If you station too many, it may cause dissatisfaction among the countries in Southeast Asia!"

For Han Ling's [-] yuan, Karl would definitely not do it. How much difference is there between [-] yuan and [-] yuan?

But he is not in a hurry, because he knows that he and Han Ling are talking now, and how much they will be stationed in the end depends on how the two sides talk!

"Thirty thousand?"

Han Ling's heart moved and his eyebrows raised.

From the very beginning, Han Ling knew that Karl would not let him station [-] in Malaysia.

As the saying goes, asking prices all over the sky to pay back the money, that's how it came about.

"Mr. Carl, it's meaningless for us to talk like this, let's just say the bottom line!

One hundred twenty thousand!We Huaxia need to station [-] people in Malaysia to ensure the safety of overseas Chinese in our country.

The combat effectiveness of our army is not good, and all countries in the world know this.So we need to station [-]. If we can only station tens of thousands, our overseas Chinese really feel insecure! "

Seeing where Han Ling belittled himself, Carlton's eyes widened.

Others don't know the combat effectiveness of the Pingyuan Army, so the envoys from various countries in China don't know?

If it is said that the combat effectiveness of the Nanjing army in the past was not good, they would believe it.

But you Pingyuan Army, you dare to say that your combat effectiveness is not good, and you deliberately belittle yourself in order to be stationed in Malaysia. This is too nonsense.

If your fighting power is really not good, can you drive the little devil out of the mainland?

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