"Settling after the fall? I think they are grasshoppers after the fall. They can't jump for two days. It can be seen from this naval battle.

The performance of those John Bull battleships is too backward.

Many battleships were built during World War I, and their speed, firepower, and armor are far behind us.

The only one that was better was their Rodney.But even so, it’s still far behind us! "

Han Ling's mouth curled up in a disdainful arc.

Did those proud John Bulls think it was before the First World War?

To be honest, Han Ling also admired Germany in history.

The two world wars directly pulled these proud John Bulls down from the number one in the world.

"Hey! I always feel like I'm walking a tightrope. Britain and the United States all wear a pair of trousers. Although those Western powers are not at peace internally, once they face China, they will vent their anger through one nostril."

Mr. Zhan Ning shook his head and said with a sigh.

"My chief of staff, just relax! Look at this time, if those John Bulls are really like before, will they give in? No! They won't give in, they will just continue to send fleets to the Far East to fight We fight.

And this time the loss of those John Bulls was not small.The loss of two battleships was enough for them to suffer for a while.

According to our intelligence, their support fleet is still two to three days away from reaching Malaysia.If they don't stop fighting, yesterday, that is, there are still about three to four days.

At this time, with our East China Sea Fleet, we can completely eat up their remaining fleet.

At that time, their loss will not be two battleships, but at least four of their battleships will be eaten.

Even these John Bulls can't afford the loss! "

While Han Ling and the others were analyzing all this in the Chrysanthemum Hall, in the prime minister's mansion in the distant capital of the British Isles, after receiving a telegram from Karl and learning that the Huaxia East China Sea Fleet would no longer use force, Lao Mai finally I am relieved.

Chapter 326: Important Rules [Part [-]]

"Damn it, they finally know how to use force!"

Lao Mai leaned back on the chair and said with a sigh of relief.

"But Mr. Prime Minister, it is also said that Huaxia will station [-] people in Malaysia, this"

The minister of the sea looked at the line of [-] stationed in the telegram, and felt dizzy.If this matter is known by the parliament, I don't know what will happen.

"There is no way around this. We knew before that Huaxia intends to infect Nanyang. Now that we are weak in Nanyang, we can only agree to their proposal.

If we don't agree, they might grab it by themselves! "

It's not that Lao Mai doesn't know about the [-] stationed above.But he can't help it.This action is obviously the outbreak of Huaxia's No. [-] bill, intending to infect the South China Sea.

If you disagree, others can directly grab it.

Moreover, Nanyang is relatively close to other people's homeland.

Most importantly, he got information.There is a large-scale movement of troops in China to the Tibetan area.

My side disagrees, others are not only robbing Southeast Asia, but also marching into India.

Can you disagree with this?

In fact, Karl can use [-] garrisons in exchange for the control of India and Southeast Asia. Lao Mai thinks it is already a good deal, otherwise the loss will be even greater.

Hearing what Lao Mai said, the Minister of the Sea had nothing to say.After all, what he said was true.Sometimes strength is such an advantage.

You have to agree if you disagree.

On September [-], the two countries explained what happened some time ago.

Said that the naval battle between the two sides in the Riau Islands a few days ago was purely a misunderstanding.

And Han Ling sent a large-scale fleet to Nanyang for a normal visit, and the reason why the British Sea Fleet assembled was to meet the Huaxia Fleet.

It's just that there was heavy fog on the sea that day, and the two sides could not distinguish each other, so a large-scale naval battle broke out under the premise of misunderstanding.

Although there was a slight loss, it was within the tolerance of both parties.

Now that the misunderstanding is resolved, Lao Mai sincerely welcomes Huaxia to visit them normally, and provides them with a port for them to recuperate.

The telegram statement issued by the two sides simply surprised a large group of countries in the world.

Such a sea battle was finally explained by a misunderstanding.

While this explanation is far-fetched, the world knows it.This is because neither side wants to fight at this time.

On the morning of September [-], [-], in the straits outside the Klang River Port where the Governor's Mansion is located.

"Order all sea officers and men to dress neatly except those on duty, stand on the deck and greet our compatriots.

In addition, order all warships to hoist colored flags and prepare salutes! "

Shen Chengzhang saw that he was about to enter the port in a while, so he immediately gave an order.

And in the port, a group of people headed by Jackson are standing in the port.

In order to show that this was a real visit, the Governor of Malaysia, Jackson, brought a group of officials and bosses from the Governor's Palace to stand on the port, ready to welcome Shen Chengzhang and the others.

"Boss Parcival, are you all ready?"

Jackson stood there quietly and asked without turning his head.

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