"The flags have already been hoisted, and the others are ready!"

There was anger in Parcival's voice, anyone who encountered this kind of life and death a few days ago, and also sank his own two battleships, destroyers and cruisers with many machines, and now he has to hang himself on them Bunting, this kind of thing, anyone will get angry when they encounter it.

It's just that Parcival is also a lieutenant general at any rate, he knows that if he makes trouble again now, the country will probably blame him if he doesn't say anything, maybe he

"Boss Parcival, when those Chinese people come later, you can't do this. You have to know that our Mr. Carl finally bought the situation. If you mess up this matter, Mr. Prime Minister is I won't let you go!"

Jackson heard the dissatisfaction in Parcival's tone, so he warned.

"Mr. Governor, don't worry! I know!"

After one sentence, Jackson stopped talking.

Because he didn't want to talk anymore, he felt so aggrieved that he was going to die.


After a while, several cruisers suddenly appeared outside the port, followed by a huge fleet appeared in front of the crowd.

"Boss Parcival, you"

"This is our sea! Our sea is coming!"

"Our fleet!"

"This is our fleet! Let's go there!"

Just when Governor Jackson was about to say something, there was a sudden noise from behind, and it was still in Chinese.

Jackson turned around and watched the scene in astonishment.

There are countless overseas Chinese wearing new clothes and rushing towards the port with treasured gongs and drums.

The army soldiers were struggling to stop them, and some army soldiers even fisted each other seeing the Huaxia people like this.

"Boss Parcival, go! Let those soldiers let them come here! No Chinese people are allowed to be beaten!"

Seeing this scene, Jackson's expression changed drastically.

He knows that one of the reasons why he can get all of this now is that Sir Carl has guaranteed it in the name of their country.

In the future, we will definitely protect the lives and properties of Huaxia people, and regard Huaxia people as our most honored guests.

Now that the Huaxia fleet is about to enter the port, there are incidents of beating the Huaxia people here. Once they are discovered by those Huaxia seas later, this matter may be difficult to solve.

After all, you only promised to treat others as the most honored guests on the front foot, and beat other people's people on the back foot.

According to the personality of Huaxia, it may not be necessary to riot and fight again.

The Huaxia Army, which had finally stopped in the Tibetan area, said that it might not be true to attack India!

Although Parcival felt good about the army beating the Chinese people, he also knew that if this matter was not handled properly, it would escalate into a major incident.At that time, the lieutenant general himself is afraid that he will be played to death, and he will even be pulled out to top the tank.

Parcival used to ask the soldiers to let the Chinese come over before it was over.He secretly wiped the sweat from his forehead.

"Uncle Zhang, this is our fleet! This is our sea, and our motherland has established a sea again!"

A middle-aged man looked at the huge fleet slowly entering the port, his face was full of tears.

And that Zhang Bo, an old man in his sixties and seventies, looked at this touch, and his eyes were full of moisture.

These overseas Chinese are well aware of the powerful role of the motherland overseas.

They are constantly being bullied overseas, why is this?

Because they don't have a strong country, they don't have a strong sea.

So they are constantly being bullied overseas, and every time something major happens in the country, they will donate the money they usually save to the country, hoping that the motherland can become stronger.

This is also the reason why when Han Ling and the little devils were fighting before, they would donate a large amount of various materials and money to return home.

"Yes! Our sea! Our fleet! The motherland has finally established a sea!"

With tears in the eyes of these two people, the flagship of the East China Sea Fleet, the Huashan, docked at the port.

Shen Chengzhang took Ren Fei, the commander of the marine brigade, and Zhao Tiezhu, commander of the Seventh Army, off the fleet.

"Commander Shen! Welcome to Malaysia. On behalf of everyone here, I warmly welcome you!"

Seeing Shen Chengzhang who was walking in the front, and looking at the three shining gold stars on his shoulders, Jackson knew that this person in front of him was the deputy naval commander of the Huaxia Beiping Pingyuan Army, the commander of the East China Sea Fleet, and Shen Chengzhang. will be.

"Hehe! Hello, Governor Jackson! On behalf of the [-] million people of China, I send my greetings to you."

Shen Chengzhang and Jackson were like two old friends who hadn't seen each other for many years. They held their hands tightly together for a minute, and let the reporters take pictures before they let go.

"Fleet! Our fleet! We're going to see our own fleet!"

Just when Shen Chengzhang was about to say something, a voice came from afar.

Shen Chengzhang smiled apologetically at Jackson when he saw that it was an overseas Chinese: "Sorry! I have to go away for a while!"

"Of course! It's okay!"

Jackson naturally knew what Shen Chengzhang was going to do, and smiled understandingly.

Shen Chengzhang walked back to the fleet again, picked up a hand-held portable microphone handed to him by a staff officer, and said, "Everyone in the Huaxia East China Sea Fleet is there, stand at attention! Take it easy! Please greet our compatriots seriously!"

Following Shen Chengzhang's order, countless overseas Chinese began to pour into the fleet.

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