Shen Chengzhang didn't care, because Chen Jiageng, who had rushed back from China, told him.

The Chinese are already raising funds to prepare to build a port for the motherland's maritime use!

For the Chinese who control [-]% of Malaysia's economy.

Raising funds to build these ports is not a big problem.

And they all know that it is impossible for these John Bulls to give up all the ports, unless they are crazy.

Finally, when everything was negotiated and all the Malay treaties were signed, the time came to September [-], [-].

And when Shen Chengzhang and Jackson signed the Malay Treaty, they were building Chinese districts all over Malaysia.

Han Ling in Beiping was furious.

"You mean Indonesia is out of control? Those Dutchmen are out of control?"

In the army command hall in Xiyuan, Forbidden City, Beiping, Han Ling looked at Zhang Hanqing with a gloomy expression and said.

"Yes! The situation in Indonesia is very bad now. The anti-Chinese incident there is escalating.

Because the Dutch Governor's Palace can be indulged before, the local locals have a lot of hatred for our citizens.

During this period of time, there have been many incidents of local people smashing and looting our Chinese shops.

The army of the Dutch Governor's Palace in Indonesia used to have [-] people.But because of the economic crisis in these years, they have been gradually reduced to [-] people.

These [-] people cannot control the situation in Indonesia. Now the Dutch government is asking us for help, hoping that we can solve this crisis! "

Zhang Hanqing quickly finished the content of the telegram in his hand.

"Oh! They're scared! These Dutchmen are scared.

Because of the performance of our East China Sea Fleet in the Riau Naval Battle, we defeated the British Sea Fleet.

Now those John Bulls have softened, and these Dutchmen have seen their bosses softened.Just relying on their few destroyers, naturally they can only be subdued! "

Han Ling saw the key to this at a glance.

Those Dutchmen were scared, and their bosses were subdued.

Is my little brother still not submissive?

The key is because of the hatred of overseas Chinese that I provoked before, which is probably remembered by the Chinese people.

If countless Huaxia people were killed or injured because of their provocation, it is estimated that Huaxia would not make them feel better. This is why they asked Huaxia for help.

Asking for help is false, asking for forgiveness is true!

This was also the reason why Han Ling was dismissive.

"That's handsome! What should we do now? Shen Chengzhang's East China Sea Fleet is cruising around Malaysia, promoting our majesty."

"Let Shen Chengzhang put soldiers from the marine brigade and a regiment in Malaysia.

The rest of the troops asked him to take all of them to Indonesia.What majesty?That's all bullshit!

Face is all nonsense, the lives and property of overseas Chinese are important, first get rid of those who hate overseas Chinese.

Just do as I said before.Don't be afraid.What's the matter? There are [-] million people behind us to support us. "

Han Ling said with a wave of his hand.

Zhang Hanqing nodded helplessly and went to convey Han Ling's order.

Originally, he thought that Han Ling would still resolve the Indonesian issue peacefully after the previous Riau Naval Battle.

Who knows that Han Ling still hasn't changed his determination.

How Han Ling solved these problems, he had thought about it.

Although John Bull is in decline, their maritime strength is still there, and their gross tonnage at sea is still there.

Now my disciples at sea, Bo, are all snatched, and there is no fleet to guard them!So you can fight one game first, and when those John Bulls hurt, you can sit down and have a good chat with them at the negotiating table.

And these Dutchmen are different!

Now it is an unpopular country in Europe, what are you afraid of him doing?

Just go up and do it!

Killing one is one, so there is nothing to be afraid of.

John Bull wouldn't offend the current Chinese people because of an unpopular country.

That's why Han Ling didn't bother to care about those Dutchmen.

Let's get rid of it first.

There is always a price to pay for doing something wrong.

The price of John Bull was two battleships, several heavy cruisers and dozens of destroyers.


"Commander! The troops have sent a telegram requesting that we assemble the fleet and army soldiers immediately and set off for Indonesia.

Where riots are taking place, our overseas Chinese are suffering! "

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