A staff officer ran to Shen Chengzhang with a telegram and said.


Shen Chengzhang frowned after picking up the telegram and reading it.

Unexpectedly, the escalation of the incident was faster than they expected.

Originally, according to their previous plan, solve the problem in Malaysia first, and then go to Indonesia after the problem is solved.

After all, when they set off, although there was already instability there, according to the army's prediction, it would take at least two or three months before it broke out.

As a result, how long is it now!It just exploded.

"Immediately order all the fleets scattered outside to assemble in the direction of Singapore immediately. At the same time, the army began to board the ships.

Immediately after the buildup in Singapore, the whole army marched towards the Jakarta area, preparing to land in Jakarta! "

Malaysia is not far from Indonesia, it can even be said to be very close.

On September [-], [-], the Huaxia East China Sea Fleet was assembled in Singapore, and then led by three light cruisers, it sailed out of Singapore's port and headed towards Indonesia.

"Uncle Li, what should we do now? Those local people have smashed up many of our shops during this period of time. And the Governor's Mansion doesn't care about it. If this continues, I'm afraid it will repeat itself for eleven years. The endgame before!"

Eleven years ago, many overseas Chinese died in the riot, which has become an eternal nightmare in the hearts of overseas Chinese in Indonesia.

And when the young man talked about the riot, there was still lingering fear in his eyes.

It was that riot that took the lives of his parents and made him an orphan.

At that time, he was only twelve years old, and he didn't know what to do if the Uncle Li in front of him didn't adopt him.

"What should we do? We just have to wait! Mr. Chen, the chairman of the Southern Overseas Chinese Association, has already returned to China and told the country about the matter.

Some time ago, the matter in Malaysia was not resolved!

Believe them, they will be here soon! "

When Uncle Li said this, he could only pray that the army of the motherland would arrive soon.Otherwise, it is really possible to stage the tragedy of eleven years ago!

Chapter 328: Han Ling's solution [[-]]

"Mr. Governor, the situation outside is already very chaotic! Our military strength is too small. Apart from protecting our own things, the lives and properties of those Chinese people cannot be protected at all. If this continues, I am afraid we will all You can't control the situation!"

In the Governor's Mansion in Surabaya, Major General Weber looked at Governor Tellson and said.

Because of their greed, they deliberately induced the hatred of locals and overseas Chinese.

Who knew that the situation had exceeded their expectations.

Originally, if the East China Sea Fleet hadn't performed like this in the Riau Islands, Rear Admiral Weber and Tellson wouldn't have felt much.

That is to say, after this incident, they sent the army to clean it up.

By the way, they took those finances as their own, so that they could follow the hands of the locals and snatch the wealth from the overseas Chinese.

But this time it has changed.

At the beginning, they did have this idea.

However, the performance of the Huaxia East China Sea Fleet in the Riau Islands, the performance of Jackson, the governor like him, and the performance of Jackson in the country all exceeded Tellson's expectations.

He didn't expect that the world's most powerful sea power in his eyes would be defeated so easily, and it was actually subdued.

Whether he believed it or not, this was the fact, and under such circumstances Tellson had to prepare to prevent the great disturbance planned by himself.

But at this time, he suddenly realized that all this could not be stopped.

Those local people looked at the wealth in the hands of the overseas Chinese, and their eyes immediately turned red.

These locals don't think about why there is so much wealth in the hands of overseas Chinese.

They don't think that when overseas Chinese are still working hard, they are sleeping at home.

They don't think that the reason why overseas Chinese are so rich is because of their hard work and frugality.

They don't think about these things. The only thing they think about is that overseas Chinese are richer than me.

Then they stubbornly and foolishly think that the reason why they are poor is because the overseas Chinese robbed the wealth that originally belonged to them.

Here, three crops are cooked a year, and they only need to work once a year to eat for a year.

The rest of the time they lie in bed and sleep late, so they are poor.

In other words: you deserve to be poor.

And what about overseas Chinese?

Throughout the year, live frugally and work hard.

The wealth in the hands is also increasing.

It is for these reasons that overseas Chinese have become rich.Those lazy locals have always been like that.

But they don't think about it now, they only think about the amazing wealth in the hands of overseas Chinese.

They are still thinking about how to snatch the wealth from overseas Chinese.

And under Tellson's deliberate guidance, those locals finally began to blatantly hate overseas Chinese.

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