Zhao Tiezhu chuckled and went to dispatch troops.

A troop carrier began to dock at the port of Jakarta. Looking at the empty port, Zhao Tiezhu felt even more uneasy.

"The troops are marching towards the urban area!"

After Zhao Tiezhu gave the order, he ordered the troops to drive into the urban area.

And when they walked into the urban area, they were stunned.

Before they got news that there was turmoil in Indonesia, and the lives of overseas Chinese were likely to be in danger.

At that time, they thought it was just the beginning, and the situation should not be too bad.

But now after they walked in, they realized that the situation had been very bad in just two days.

The whole of Jakarta is in chaos.

There are countless corpses lying on the ground, and these are the corpses of overseas Chinese.

There are men and women, adults, children, and old people!

The deaths of many women were horrific.

There are still many shops and houses around, and the fire is still burning.

In the depths of the urban area, there were also various cries of pain, screams, and so on.

The soldiers of the Seventh Army were stunned. They didn't expect to see a hell on earth when they came here.

It seems that the great turmoil eleven years ago has reappeared here.

Zhao Tiezhu walked step by step with a livid face.

A pair of eyes scanned the ground slowly, looking at the appearance of those women, it was obvious that they had all suffered inhuman treatment before they died.


These two words seem to come from hell.

Zhao Tiezhu didn't know what language he should use to describe this scene.

The faces of the soldiers under him were also full of unbearable expressions.

Although their Seventh Army was also killed from the flames of war, everyone killed countless people.

But seeing these compatriots in front of him suffer such treatment overseas, his eyes are also full of anger.

"Commander! What shall we do?"

A staff officer caught up with Zhao Tiezhu and asked beside him.

"What should I do? Did you forget the commander's order?"

There was a cold light in Zhao Tiezhu's eyes, and he looked at the staff officer beside him with burning eyes.


"Pass my order! All troops immediately start rescue operations against overseas Chinese! At the same time, everyone immediately implements the removal order No. 056 issued by the commander!"


The Seventh Army began to move.

This turmoil started last night.

The source of the turmoil was that an overseas Chinese family was robbed by a few local gangsters last night, and then they had other ideas because they fell in love with the wife of a shop owner.

Then when he left, another fire burned the shop.

The fire at night is undoubtedly the most attractive.

This shop burning at night immediately attracted many Indonesians.

Then the gangsters started pointing at the onlookers, and then encouraged them to do the same.

And then, the turmoil started.

For one night, the whole of Jakarta was in turmoil.

The raging fire lit up the entire Jakarta.

Overseas Chinese are crying and blood is flowing.

Amidst the screams, a number of overseas Chinese fell to the ground.

The wealth of overseas Chinese was also robbed by these rioters.

After one night, the ground in Jakarta was littered with dead bodies.




The muffled gunshots suddenly sounded on the streets of Jakarta.

Then there were constant shouts.

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