"All troops rescue overseas Chinese immediately!"

"Never let a single perpetrator go!"

"We are the Seventh Army of the Huaxia Pingyuan Army, all overseas Chinese compatriots who heard the broadcast, please immediately find the nearest Pingyuan Army unit nearby for protection!

Once again, we are the Seventh Army of the Huaxia Pingyuan Army. All overseas Chinese compatriots who heard the broadcast, please immediately find the nearest Pingyuan Army unit nearby for protection! "

Some soldiers of the Pingyuan Army drove cars speeding past on the street.

The above speakers are constantly playing these messages.

From the screams still ringing in the city, the soldiers of the Pingyuan Army knew that not all the overseas Chinese in the city had suffered.

And a group of soldiers of the Pingyuan Army saw countless locals on the street.

These people's faces were full of raging smiles, as if they had done something extraordinary.

There are all kinds of things hanging on their hands and bodies.

These things are very valuable at first glance, and they are not something poor people can have.This is obviously snatched from the overseas Chinese.

But they didn't get scared when they saw Ping Yuanjun stunned for a moment, and they rushed up just like that.

Maybe they think they have a lot of people!

In the face of these local people who attacked them, the soldiers of the Pingyuan Army did not show mercy.

With bloodshot eyes, they pulled the trigger in their hands without hesitation.

Flesh and blood can't stop Gundam, and ignorance can't compete with civilization.

None of the locals who attacked the Pingyuan Army survived.

Shock the army, they deserve to die!

The sound of the gunshots seemed to mean that the city was no longer dominated by the locals, and they were no longer left alone.

Chapter 330: Han Ling's solution [[-]]

"Commander! We have controlled the whole city, and we are currently trying to clear out the rioters!"

A soldier stood in front of Zhao Tiezhu, but Zhao Tiezhu didn't speak.

Just standing quietly in front of a corpse.

This is a young man from overseas Chinese.

Look at his age is only about 23 years old.

There seems to be resentment towards the world on the young face.Looking at the pen in his chest pocket, Zhao Tiezhu guessed that this person should be a man of culture, maybe even a student who just graduated from university.

Crouching down, he took out his pen, and after looking at it for a few seconds, he slowly and carefully put it in his coat pocket.

"Go with peace of mind! I will clean up all the garbage here to avenge you!"

Zhao Tiezhu's words seemed to be addressed to this young overseas Chinese man, and to all the compatriots who died.

Under the countless bullets of the Pingyuan Army, the rioters were eliminated one by one.

And those who slip through the net, I believe they can't escape.

After doing such an outrageous thing, do they still want to get away with it?

Countless soldiers of the Pingyuan Army began to clean up the corpses after clearing out the garbage.

What they want to clean up is naturally the corpses of overseas Chinese compatriots.

Gather the corpses together, cover them with a white cloth, and then continue to restrain the corpses.

As for the corpses of those local people, that's not in their control.

The bulldozers were found one after another, and together with the bulldozers that came out of the transport ship, all the corpses were pushed together, and then gasoline was sprinkled on them, ready to be burned.

The bulldozers that came out of the transport ship were prepared beforehand.

Because Han Ling had already issued relevant orders before, for this moment.

A sprinkler truck drove slowly on the street.

They are cleaning the streets, cleaning the blood on the streets.

Countless blood flowed to the ground.

Maybe after a long time, the vegetation on this piece of land will be extremely lush!

Many overseas Chinese who survived the catastrophe stared blankly into the distance.

Everything that happened last night was really thrilling.

There are [-] to [-] overseas Chinese compatriots in Jakarta.

After one night, there were only one or two thousand people left.

Many people cried bitterly while hugging the bodies of their loved ones, and many others stood on the ground with blank eyes, not knowing what to do.

I don't even know how to survive.

There were also many children standing on the street crying loudly.

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